So We Can All Be Fully Cognizant Before It Kills Us?

This is the kind of thing people were hoping AI could do to improve our lives.

AI discovers drugs to combat age-related health issues like Alzheimer’s

Software combed through 4,300 chemical compounds and zeroed in on three that could target faulty cells


UPDATED: 18:12 EDT, 14 June 2023

Artificial intelligence technology helped researchers identify a trio of chemicals that target faulty cells linked to age-related health issues, including certain cancers and Alzheimer’s disease.

The algorithm comb through a library of more than 4,300 chemical compounds and identified 21 drug candidates that could prompt cell senescence.

This is a phenomenon in which faulty cells stop multiplying but do not die off as they should and continue to release chemicals that can trigger inflammation.

Of those 21 candidates, the scientists zeroed in on three compounds – ginkgetin, oleandrin, and periplocin – which were able to remove defective cells without harming healthy ones when tested on human cells.

AI is increasingly becoming a fixture in medical and scientific research, able to sift through mountains of dense data far faster than a human ever could to aid in the diagnosis of and treatment for diseases.

18 thoughts on “So We Can All Be Fully Cognizant Before It Kills Us?

  1. Some wag will task AI with creating a perfect religion,
    And it will be forced on us all.

  2. “AI is increasingly becoming a fixture in medical and scientific research, able to sift through mountains of dense data far faster than a human ever could to aid in the diagnosis of and treatment for diseases.”

    Soooo….basically, all this ‘AI’ really does is do ‘google’ searches for people who are too fucking lazy to do a google search.

    I wish people would stop freaking about about this. We are not dealing with the Terminator. It’s not true Artificial Intelligence in the sense that it’s a computer that is self aware and can think, deduce, plan, and most importantly, improvise in the way a human can. The truth is, we are MILES away from anything like that. I’ll be surprised if we ever get there at all, at the rate we’re going.

    At the end of the day, it’s still a computer and the most important thing about any computer is that it’s really stupid – it just does what humans tell it to do.

      • Yes. You can smash it with a hammer, too.

        There is no ‘high tech’ problem that cannot be solved with an equally ‘low tech’ solution.

  3. Read somewhere that frequent fasting causes the body to consume or eliminate the misbehaving cells. Wonder how much follow-up there is for that one. Skipping meals may be a bridge too far for a comfortable people.

  4. Frank is correct. Given what we have seen from big pharma – Buy my snake oil because AI!

    Some words of caution – who is reporting such wonderful advances and cui bono?
    When is the last time you got a mechanic who could diagnose your car without a computer and how much more complex is the human body. This is why drugs are tested for years, due to the long term effects. Did you learn nothing from the Vaxx. Our bodies have a wonderful ability to heal themselves and do so daily, we should encourage the healing not dump a ton of contaminants in our systems. A carnivore diet of grass fed animals while staying away from dairy, sugar and carbohydrates with occasional fasting would go a long long way to healing many ills. Last sounds crazy but there is a lot of good studies to support and the healthiest older people I know are following that diet and need little or no meds according to their doctors.

  5. And I had to look up senescence, guess I’m getting old, eh?

    Anyway, when some super-app, that many warn will begin to see humanity as an obstacle, starts recommending chemicals for us, don’t mind me if take a hard pass.

  6. Now, if only it could find the right compounds for stupidity. I’m afraid it might be partially linked to heredity.

  7. Fasting has the effect of promoting autophagy, literally translates as self-eating, that our bodies use to get rid of damaged cells. Until the last hundred years or so, going without eating for a day or so was just part of life for the vast majority of people, so people just did it. I’ve been doing a one day fast once a week for a couple of years. Couldn’t prove it’s good for me or bad, but it’s not that hard to do.

    The big problem with big pharma is that decades ago (1950s, ’60s) they were after cures. Sometime around then they switched to going after treatments. Get you taking their drugs for life. It’s literally “pay me now with a cure or pay me forever with a treatment”. It’s a feature if they cause more side effects than actually cure because then doctors put you on another drug for life that you pay for.

    The perfect example is the statins. They do nothing for you but lower the level of some blood chemicals that are tangentially related to a condition, but you’re on them for life. Never mind that the same kinds of studies that say to use them say that older people with higher “bad cholesterol” live longer than people with lower levels of it. That implies statins are actually bad for you. When they started talking about putting statins in the water supply it became pretty obvious it was all about the Benjamins.

  8. Since all three of these compounds are natural, it’s a bet that nig pharms will find a way to ban them so they can make a chemical analog.

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