So, some of us watched the debate and some of us did other, more productive pursuits such as mowing belly button hair. Open forum to speak your mind, spill your spleen, bloviate. The floor is open and normal rules of decorum prevail.

45 thoughts on “So, some of us watched the debate and some of us did other, more productive pursuits such as mowing belly button hair. Open forum to speak your mind, spill your spleen, bloviate. The floor is open and normal rules of decorum prevail.

  1. TV audiences are being shown a cheap fake of what happened on that stage in Atlanta. Somehow agents of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy electronically edited the video to make the President look decrepit, incoherent, unresponsive.

    The altered video makes the vibrant, energetic, wise, and well-informed commander-in-chief look like an empty suit, an animated cadaver, a barely awake and struggling old man staring off into the distance like a deer caught in the headlights in the wilderness.

    Nobody could come across as that unaware, that slow, that unprepared after spending an entire week away from his duties prepping for questions and remarks he KNEW were coming.

    Has to be fraud, chicanery, deceit by Trump supporters . . . no way a great guy like lunchbox Joe Biden could be that out of it, that slow, that ineffective.

    We don’t know HOW they did it, but it’s certain that some traitorous agitprops doctored the feed from all of the cameras and inserted their fiction into the national system.

    Vice-President Harris has appointed an elite team of investigators to find out exactly how this travesty was engineered, identify the perpetrators, and restore credibility and confidence in the Office of the President, which she fully expects to hold in the very near future.

  2. Jill Biden should be charged with elder abuse immediately after the election. That man is such a classic case of dementia/Alzheimer. I’m taking care of a male that is almost same age and that’s the kind of answers I get when I ask questions.

  3. I gave Biden 45 seconds of wooden-faced staring off into the distance and mumbling before I realized I didn’t understand a fucking word of what he was saying.
    Then I realized I had more pressing things to do, such as cotter-pin inventory.

  4. I never watch these live. What I do do is watch online commentary as it’s happening (and read the transcript the next day if it sounded particularly interesting) and this time some of the most brutal comments came from democrat pundits. There’s no way they (his inner circle) could have not known how low Biden had sunk to and thought they could get away with it in a live debate, even on CNN. This had to have been planned. And Jill having to lead him off the stage at the end didn’t help, either.

    My money says they knew all along he was going to have to be pushed off the ship (if he’s even aware that he’s supposed to be steering) and a replacement be put at the helm. That’s why they agreed to the earliest debate ever in a general campaign season.

    Trump did well (by all accounts I read), but the air will get sucked out of the post-debate discussions with stories about how quickly they replace Biden and with whom. In short, Biden surprised even his most passionate opponents with how bad he has gotten.

    • here’s a possibility – the JV team of 20-somethings in the White House, the Obammy clique, and the alphabet agencies are all running amok and independent of each other – and very few of them interact with “Dr Jill” and the old man very often. They have been putting up the false Brandon character of someone who still has (sort of) what it takes so long that they overlooked his actual mental state of decline. There is also enough questionable video out there to suggest at least some Brandon appearances are body doubles with latex face masks a la Mission Impossible. So they had no real appreciation of what a walking disaster he might be.

      Then again this performance could also be planned as others have said, to set up Sleepy Joe for ejection from the game.

    • Agreed. If not sooner…

      But it hopefully makes people sit up and wonder who actually has been running the country for the last few years…

      • Jeepers Filthie. When are you coming back to the bloggo world.
        I have to go to Vladtepes for my Canadian stuff now. Although he is pretty good.
        I wonder what happens if or when Joe says “I like being prez and I’m gonna stay prez. I ain’t dropping out.”
        maybe he will get Clintoned.

      • Who’s been running the country the last few years…the string pullers of OBummer and his besty, Big Mike.
        Mike C, It’s not even grave yard humor anymore. We need to spread this at the gas pumps and grocery stores (our current soap boxes and taverns). The normies (head in sand) need to hear it, some of them are starting to notice.

  5. I’m pretty sure that the left has beaten the right to another first…having the first Down Syndrome president placed into the oral orifice.

  6. Didn’t watch.
    Did they ask the candidates any of the following questions:
    1) Why do you still support the mRNA injections now that we know they have killed millions worldwide, and permanently disabled many more?
    2) Why are you still supporting ethnic cleansing in Israel?
    3) Why has illegal immigration not been completely halted during both your administrations?

    • @#2. Ethnic cleansing LOL
      If you lived beside some a$$hole who was lobbing grenades into your yard and killing your kids you would retaliate as well with deadly force.
      If you wouldn’t then you are a pussy.
      Israelis are not pussies and they have been pushed far enough. They have a tiny part of the world to call their own after 2000 years and everyone (including you apparently) thinks it’s not enough.
      If there’s any ethic cleaning going on in the middle east is being done by the Arab states like Turkey, Syria, Iran and Yemen.
      Give the freaking Jewish people a break. I would rather live in a neighborhood surrounded by Jewish people than a neighborhood surrounded by Palestinians, and if you are smart, so would you.

        • And Opus Dei created Mossad.

          And the Bilderbergers created Opus Dei.

          And, wait for it……Klause Schwab created the Bilderbergers which morphed into the WEF.

          And Klaus Schwab is descended from the Rothschilds.

  7. Last night I watched the very public political assassination of Joe Biden. It was almost as gratifying as watching final hours of Nicolai Ceausceau.

  8. Someone needs to ask the toilet brush KJP what was wrong with Brandon at the next presser. I want to hear her take.

  9. So no surprise. Brandon’s puppeteer has been rubbing this in our face. What is the next act? Biden wins in a landslide? Hillary for President, Barak for a third term, Kamala Harris, some new VP candidate like Pilosi? Suspend the elections due to Russian attack (I’m guessing a bunch of deplorable killed as opposed to LA or NY). This is like a Tom Clancy novel crossed with a trainwreck in very slow mo. My brain keeps screaming, this is going to hurt! We are way past, ya’all hold my beer and watch this.

  10. If they replace Biden do the voters who chose him in the Dem primaries get to sue for being disenfranchised. Or will they have another round of Dem primaries to pick a candidate? Pop the corn and let the games begin.


    P. S. Do we get Newsome, Big Mike or Killary? Inquiring minds want to know. See you at the convention.

  11. The debate was staged so the commies can now replace the Tater with some other communist scum. Gonna be an uphill fight because the deadline has passed in multiple states to change out the candidate…. unless he dies then they can replace him in those states.
    It’s amazing to watch the commies pivot so fast. Just yesterday they were all still bragging about how competent and sharp the Tater is. Before the debate was even over commie MSM was already throwing him under the bus. The left always eat their own and still manage to attract supporters.
    It is a great movie so far, albeit a rather long one. Gotta wake the sheople up slowly.

  12. Like I said over at Larry Lambert’s, today is Friday. Wake me up on Monday when the news cycle starts all over again and then we’ll see what The Swamp really thinks. They might see things differently after they have a weekend to get direction from THEIR handlers.

  13. Best was the post-debate analysis where the democratic panel was beside themselves with fear and the acknowledgement that they couldn’t spin this any more. . It is plain that they are in a panic, and will be looking to find a replacement strategy. Jill isn’t going to provide any support for any option except Joe moving full speed ahead.

    Look for Joe to have a “medical issue” that kills or incapacitates him in the near future if he resists the calls to step down.

    The names of possible replacement candidates will pick up over the next few weeks. Will also see a discussion of the various scenarios by which a replacement effort can be executed.

    No longer can they continue to pretend that everything is fine, and tell you with a straight face that you aren’t seeing what you are seeing with your own eyes.

    Best strategy for Republicans up and down the ticket is to shut up and watch the Democrats destroy themselves in real time.

    Stock up on popcorn.

  14. Total shit show for Bribem and company. This was a less than lethal hit by the DNC and the MSM to publicly document why Bribem is unfit to run for another term. By less than lethal I mean, their only other alternative is to physically kill him because Jill isn’t going to allow him to voluntarily step down.\

    As it turns out, he’s not even fit to serve out his current term and illustrates the rumor that someone else, probably Obama, is really running the country. I’m rather surprised that there hasn’t been a resounding ground swell calling for the 25th Amendment to be invoked. Perhaps there will be as time marches next week.

    Of coarse we all know why. The reason Harris was selected is as the VP insurance policy against Article 25. Cackles is a worse alternative, image wise, and Hitlery and her sycophants in the press would have a public shit fit, not that that’s a bad thing.

    There remains the question of how a replacement gets on the ballot in every state meaningful enough to effect victory. I’m sure the DNC has some Machiavellian plan that is totally illegal. I just hope the RNC gets some balls for once and sues to stop DNC’s plan, at least delaying a judgement until it’s too late. ‘Course then the narrative will be that Trump is illegitimate because he had no opponent.

  15. How are both sides just realizing this guy is a potato? I am truly baffled by either their lack of ability to perceive the obvious or the sudden fake change of heart, as if reality is suddenly a thing. They are riding this old glue horse till the end, then they will switch nags to carry on the commification of America as most of america drools on itself and keeps paying taxes thinking voting will change anything. Im just waiting for the marshmallow roast to begin when NATO puts ballistic missiles in the (P) Uke. Hopefully, Iran installs a hard-liner and hands Israel its eviction notice.

  16. Where can i buy this as a poster? Seriously, I want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please help!

  17. How I see this is, all the Factions of the CPSUA (democrats) have realized that Joetato is passed his Expiration Date, and so they ‘let him wander out in front of the Bus’ (as opposed to pushing him Under it) and now the real Fun begins, watching the various Factions fight to place ‘Their Man’ (or trannyfag or whatever) in the (S)election process.

    I think that instead of standing up a known ‘face’ (all of which are despised by one or the other Factions) the Smoke-Filled Room at CPUSA Headquarters will pick some ‘unknown’ back-bencher without a ‘Record’, like they did with the communist musloid mulatto faggot from Kenya. If the Party Leadership does this, they can tell all the Factions “Here is someone we can All get behind”, and the Factions all will know that whomever they propose, (it) will be a thoroughly Compromised and Controllable individual.

    Of course, if the (((faction))) currently in Control of the Nuclear Codes (joetato sure Isn’t) keeps Poking the Bear, Tsar Vladimir the Bad may be forced to ‘Interfere with the Election’ for real. Like a Sarmat into the Swamp, interfere.

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