15 thoughts on “So DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, You Spineless Fucking Cunt!

  1. You’re right. They’re all spineless cvnts. I liked how, initially, Jim Jordan was gung ho on holding dems responsible when R’s won the House. Didn’t take me long to realize all he planned to do was talk talk talk talk talk, hold hearings, no follow-though on anything. Same with Mike Johnson. Talk Talk Talk. Nothing ever happens.

  2. No shit. If they piss off the assholes who actually run the party, they won’t get any party funding for their next campaign cycle.

  3. it is all sound bites for their next re-election crap show. and the fact that old Joe is getting out means a deal has been made. NO jail time- pardon-whatever for them.
    and lots of cash somehow. nothing will happen. Joe and his “family” will skate
    with lots of taxpayer cash to some place nice. wanna bet ?

  4. And how long have We The People been bitching about this crap…And they are just now seeing it? Duh!

  5. It’s very difficult to “do something” about a bunch of crooked lawyers, and even more so when they hold positions of power and want to hide, delay, obfuscate, and in general want to hold on to that power.

    Again, I bring up the Gadianton Robbers scourge that the early North/South Americans had dragging down their societies! Satan never sleeps, and of course he will do his best/worst to eliminate anything good, right, and true.

    Huker down. Keep your powder dry and your larder stocked. Gonna get real frosty soon enough.

    The Tree of Liberty needs to be watered. Again. NOT looking forward to it.

  6. There’s a information out there detailing the Bribem family owning 150+ companies that produce NOTHING. These companies control 250+ bank accounts through which money flows to almost every family member INCLUDING GRAND CHILDREN.

    Yet CONgress, the Eff Bee Eye and the Eye Arr Ess do nothing while standing idly by allowing this criminal enterprise to flourish and prosper when Joe Bribem, Jill Bribem and Hunter Bribem, at minimum, should have all been behind bars for life 30 years ago. I guess the RICO statutes only apply to Italians and Donald Trump.

    Same as with the Clintons when Bill was President and Hitlery Sec. of State. Money flowed into their Clinton Global Initiative(CGI) from all over the world, right in front of all of the agencies required BY LAW to investigate them and nothing happened, except that CGI was shut down the day after Hitlery lost in 2016.

    Where’d all of the $BILLIONS go?

    Then there’s Obama. Why was it crime when Nixon spied on the Demonrat party in ’72, but when Obama, Bribem and Hitlery spied on Trump during the 2016 campaign it’s OK?!?!?

    The whole Demonrat party is corrupt to the core, top, bottom and sideways. It needs to be exterminated like the vermin it is before the country is lost. I fear that it is already too late to fix.

    In my state, there’s a woman running for U.S. CONgress in my district, who is BRAGGING, in her campaign ads, that she worked as a lawyer on the Trump Impeachment committee, and has worked in the Bribem White House. She’s pleased as punch over these resume creds. Now she’s trying to cash in on working for a corrupt party. She’s following in the footsteps of her many predecessors probably thinking she earned it. This is just another of the many examples of the hubris of the Demonrats.

  7. Oh they are not spineless, fellas.

    They’re in on it too! You dig deeper into this and you’ll find any number of republicans involved with the grifts and scams too.

  8. The entire government is corrupt. Corrupt people aren’t going to do anything about other corrupt people. The whole thing needs to be torn down.

  9. Johnson is a POS, what was that last bill that was never going to pass that he got passed? Oh yeah, I remember now. It was bipartisan by the uniparty everyone said.

  10. I knew every bit of this four years ago just like I knew Joe Stupid was way around the bend. Why do these idiots think this is news?

  11. According to Dante calculations I’m headed for the first level of hell so maybe this will drop me down a level. I hope that Joe Biden dies (peacefull) the day before Hunter Biden’s sentence is announced.

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