10 thoughts on “So…

  1. What’s this “sometimes”, and “someone” business? I’ve met a whole bunch of people, and at first glance, I determined I wanted nothing to do with’em. 

    • Judy, you have a lot of mates in my country. That well describes every woman that I have ever met! Apparently I remind them of an axe-murderer, or however women imagine a homicidal maniac to look like, oh well.
      Hmm, maybe if I clean the bloodstains off of my axe and polish it? That could work, and I’ll ask Cederq how he manages to win over women. I mean, the cops haven’t collared him yet, so he must be getting something right!

    • yup. that is why I moved to live with the trees here in the woods.
      less people, less problems. seems like a no-brainer to me.

  2. Yup, so many times. But circumstances said you must work with them for the tour, but associating with them after duty hours was not required!

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