Whiskey is only good for paint removal and an antibacterial topical disinfectant.
Actually, it’s overpriced. Isopropyl Alcohol is cheaper and better for that application.
Yeah, but you can’t drink it.
Isopropyl ETOH is not good on a human body or any other animal. It kills healthy tissue as well as diseased tissue. It also interfere with metabolism. Yes, your body produces small quantities of Isopropyl but is used as a catalyst. Grain alcohol is not good for an antibacterial topical treatment, it too destroys healthy tissue and it stings like hell! Better than nothing if that is all ya got. Better use as an anesthetizing agent to properly clean and debride a wound or suture.
Whiskey has a much better aroma than iodine or mercurochrome too!
You’ve got “harshing somebody’s mellow” down to a fine art, don’t you!!
That was my job at one time…
It also helps one to not give a fuck.
and if you drink enough of it, it will dull the pain.
bad part is I drank a bottle of 30 year old single malt and don’t remember doing it
that was when my back blew out and I wanted to die it hurt so bad.
and the single malt, sat on in the closet for almost 10 years before that.
still have the really nice oak box though !
now I have a drink once or twice every year or so. if that.
beer now and then, a six pack will last me almost a year now a days.
but drinking never help with any problem. it just made you not care about it.
Whiskey is only good for paint removal and an antibacterial topical disinfectant.
Actually, it’s overpriced. Isopropyl Alcohol is cheaper and better for that application.
Yeah, but you can’t drink it.
Isopropyl ETOH is not good on a human body or any other animal. It kills healthy tissue as well as diseased tissue. It also interfere with metabolism. Yes, your body produces small quantities of Isopropyl but is used as a catalyst. Grain alcohol is not good for an antibacterial topical treatment, it too destroys healthy tissue and it stings like hell! Better than nothing if that is all ya got. Better use as an anesthetizing agent to properly clean and debride a wound or suture.
Whiskey has a much better aroma than iodine or mercurochrome too!
You’ve got “harshing somebody’s mellow” down to a fine art, don’t you!!
That was my job at one time…
It also helps one to not give a fuck.
and if you drink enough of it, it will dull the pain.
bad part is I drank a bottle of 30 year old single malt and don’t remember doing it
that was when my back blew out and I wanted to die it hurt so bad.
and the single malt, sat on in the closet for almost 10 years before that.
still have the really nice oak box though !
now I have a drink once or twice every year or so. if that.
beer now and then, a six pack will last me almost a year now a days.
but drinking never help with any problem. it just made you not care about it.