Well I just plumb forgot! It’s Pearl Harbour Day.
I informally study a lot of old historical pics and what gets me is the speed with which things change. One day the world is coping with the usual tensions. On Dec.6 the brass hats and politicos are all tweaking noses, snubbing each other, rattling sabres…and on Dec.7 the world changed forever. Nor would it ever be the same again. Pearl Harbour is choked with acrid black smoke, filled with wrecks… and the squaddies and swabbies dash madly about putting out fires, tending to the wounded, and wondering what the hell happened.
It’s something to ponder today. The Kraine and Israel are raging dumpster fires. Biden’s handlers are pouring gas on them and hooting in delight as the flames roar up, and drowned out by the noise, Putler warns of Russia’s heightened state of readiness. Apparently the ICBMs are fuelled, armed, and ready to launch.
I think the world is going to change soon. I feel it in the winds.
If a Canadian can feel it, and we feel it. Remember your school duck and cover drills from your youth. Who knew those flimsy desks could save us?
It’s like being tied to a chair watching a toddler play with a loaded pistol
You do know that the desk thing was to protect only from falling ceiling bits/etc and not the actual nuke. Kinda like when something is about to fall on your head and you instinctively put your very fragile hands over it. Less damage to the brain is Always good.
The tribe maintaining control over the U.S., who were the political winners of WW2, are just conducting business as usual.
Their greater Israel project is accellerating. They have dragged the U.S government into another one of their genocides. All of our politicians seem to be bought out and on board with this.
Pearl Harbor was a falsle flag, staged by elements of our own government to mire us further into ww2.
TRUTH! Of course, you know the Al Gore Rhythms and AI are going to jack you up some more notches, for “Domestic Terrorist Crimethink”, Right?
Welcome to our exclusive club, we lost track of how many are here somewhere after 150 million. I personally am a long standing member . We have meetings and free pastries and coffee every third Thursday at the American Legion Hall.
Britain, America and Israel are one country, founded in 1947, with the sole purpose of controlling the worlds natural resources.
The plan for this present day coalition was hatched soon after the discovery of oil in the Middle East over 120 years ago, and advocated with the Balfour declaration in 1917.
Jews have controlled US foreign policy for centuries.
Well,if the canadians are worried about “putler”so much, perhaps THEY should send THEIR sons over there.
A bunch of them are already in Estonia.
With Trudeau’s gutting of our military, we need to wait until the guys overseas are coming back, so we can share the guns.
Yep. Apparently a couple got wasted when Putler counter attacked with hypersonic missiles. Serves ‘em right, far as I’m concerned. Turdo has just demolished any sense of patriotism I ever had. Anyone that gets in the middle of that shit show deserves what they get…
I still call 12/7 “Slap a Jap” day.
Along with 9/11…Never forget. Never forgive.
Some idiot wished me a “Happy Pearl Harbor Day” yesterday.
Rained here on the 7th, so flew my storm flag.
I was most fortunate as a young lad when my maternal grandmother took the entire family (8 of us) to Hawaii. It was just after the 1964 Alaska earthquake. My uncle had done a Navy hitch just missing WWII, shipping out aboard the heavy cruiser USS Chicago (CA-136) as a cook in January of 1946. So we boarded a tour boat which sailed along the coast and then into Pearl Harbor, docking at the USS Arizona Memorial. I can still remember watching the oil drops rise to the surface. I was 11 years old.
The oil was still there when my wife and I visited the Arizona 16 years ago.
I had relatives aboard. My dad NEVER talked about Pearl even though he was “building” Hickam back in ’38-39. I have some 8mm movies (no sound) showing before/after.
Some gave all.
All wars are bankers wars