My husband & I will celebrate our 34th anniversary this Fall. We both highly recommend marriage.
Sneaking up on our 50th. Can’t recommend it enough!
We just celebrated our 44th anniversary yesterday. Our secret? You need to be best friends first, have some (not necessarily all) interests in common, and most important–be willing to work at it. We meant it when we promised each other “for better or worse”. And we’re still best friends.
/advice ON
Marriage is NOT 50-50. Sometimes it’s 0-100 or 100-0, sometimes (mostly!) somewhere between those goalposts. You agreed to “for better or for worse”, are you true to your vows? God takes marriage seriously, do you?
Play to each other’s strengths. Do your very best to not be selfish, keep him/her in mind always. A good relationship with God helps immensely. Try not to make decisions unilaterally, your most bestest friend has an input because they are affected by your choices after all is said and done….
Take marriage seriously – a lot of children nowadays do NOT.
And, as always, make them your best friends. Takes two, granted, but start somewhere. For all y’all that it didn’t work out, I am sorry. Perhaps you can find joy and rejoicing with another, as it should be.
Enough “advice”, brought to you by the letter M.
/advice OFF
Thank you Igor.
100 Grand?
It was almost 250.
And thus the inverse law of divorce costs. The reality is that if it is going to cost $1 million you can afford it. That’s why you see rich famous people getting divorced all the time. They give away half and are still rich. Just sayin.
Why divorce when you can just SSS?
When Hubby asked, I gave him the opportunity to back out with the statement that if he made me one moment’s worth of miserable as the last SOB, he would be pushing up daisies. I was done with being miserable. As it was, we didn’t see the stroke and aftermath coming down the pike.
My first marriage was like a felony conviction. 13 months of my life, $150,000 fine and confiscation of an automobile. I did not see it at the time, but when the dust settled, I actually got off cheap.
#2 and I have been going strong for 31 years.
Hell, I’ve been married 38 years – just not all to the same woman.
I like your style Grumpy, 30 years here so far though
Why is a divorce expensive?
…Because it’s worth it!
My husband & I will celebrate our 34th anniversary this Fall. We both highly recommend marriage.
Sneaking up on our 50th. Can’t recommend it enough!
We just celebrated our 44th anniversary yesterday. Our secret? You need to be best friends first, have some (not necessarily all) interests in common, and most important–be willing to work at it. We meant it when we promised each other “for better or worse”. And we’re still best friends.
/advice ON
Marriage is NOT 50-50. Sometimes it’s 0-100 or 100-0, sometimes (mostly!) somewhere between those goalposts. You agreed to “for better or for worse”, are you true to your vows? God takes marriage seriously, do you?
Play to each other’s strengths. Do your very best to not be selfish, keep him/her in mind always. A good relationship with God helps immensely. Try not to make decisions unilaterally, your most bestest friend has an input because they are affected by your choices after all is said and done….
Take marriage seriously – a lot of children nowadays do NOT.
And, as always, make them your best friends. Takes two, granted, but start somewhere. For all y’all that it didn’t work out, I am sorry. Perhaps you can find joy and rejoicing with another, as it should be.
Enough “advice”, brought to you by the letter M.
/advice OFF
Thank you Igor.
100 Grand?
It was almost 250.
And thus the inverse law of divorce costs. The reality is that if it is going to cost $1 million you can afford it. That’s why you see rich famous people getting divorced all the time. They give away half and are still rich. Just sayin.
Why divorce when you can just SSS?
When Hubby asked, I gave him the opportunity to back out with the statement that if he made me one moment’s worth of miserable as the last SOB, he would be pushing up daisies. I was done with being miserable. As it was, we didn’t see the stroke and aftermath coming down the pike.
My first marriage was like a felony conviction. 13 months of my life, $150,000 fine and confiscation of an automobile. I did not see it at the time, but when the dust settled, I actually got off cheap.
#2 and I have been going strong for 31 years.
Hell, I’ve been married 38 years – just not all to the same woman.
I like your style Grumpy, 30 years here so far though