Since we are in a “pride” month, White Pride will triumph and become White Year.

I saw your WW2 meme and I thought I would share these with you:

H/T and thanks to TX2Guns for sending the above three memes.

The below meme is what prompted this. My father was a avid Patton supporter and through him have come to respect and honor Gen. Patton. He was preeminent and prophetic in his thoughts and statements. He knew who the who the real enemy was, jews and communists and their quislings.

9 thoughts on “Since we are in a “pride” month, White Pride will triumph and become White Year.

  1. Patton’s two daughters wrote a book about their father.
    What is interesting is the last conversation that they had
    with their father regarding going back to Germany.
    He told them they would never see him again but someone
    had to try and stop the genocide of the German people.
    Wild Bill Donovan was the entity that ended Patton’s career.

  2. Thanks to Ron Unz and his American Pravda series, I have come to question EVERYTHING I’ve ever been taught about WWII. That Patton quote was dated exactly five months before he was assassinated.

  3. It was interesting on how Patton died in Germany. It seems to be a planned event by our own country.

  4. Killing Nazis, I doubt. Unless that picture was taken 20 years ago, it’s more likely that old timer was in his heyday back in the 1960s, making him a boomer.

    So if he didn’t get drafted to ‘Nam, he was dropping acid, smoking dope, and burning the American flag…so his granddaughter could fuck niggers – meaning he got what he asked for, regardless of whether or not he likes it in the end.

  5. 1st meme with grandpa… I saw that 2 days ago in kentucky. Steak and Shake, Lexington. Gramp and granny, white. 3 “mixed” negro kids. Sad, almost baffled looks on gramps. Granny trying to keep order. We fucking lost it all.

  6. This is a response to your comment about the picture of Patton. He didn’t say anything about the Jews, but you did. The problem with that is that they are still the chosen people of God. Whoever curses them, God will curse. So, it doesn’t matter if you believe in God or not, the fact remains you WILL answer to God for it. The wrath of God is not something you want to willingly bring on yourself. The Jews are not the cause of the world’s problems. You MIGHT want to rethink your position on the Jews.

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