You’re not a slave, Cederq. Duh. Is a watch dog a slave? Is a plow horse a slave? No and no.
A slave is an unfree human being treated as chattel. You’re not a real human being. You’re an animal, that happens to be able to talk, in the shape of a human being. Your soul is different. Lower. (It is a vicious slander against real humans to claim that they say we talking animals don’t have souls. They freely acknowledge that we have souls. Just not as good as theirs.). The sooner you learn your place the sooner you will learn to be happy.
They are just following orders…
what if you answered yes ?
You’re not a slave, Cederq. Duh. Is a watch dog a slave? Is a plow horse a slave? No and no.
A slave is an unfree human being treated as chattel. You’re not a real human being. You’re an animal, that happens to be able to talk, in the shape of a human being. Your soul is different. Lower. (It is a vicious slander against real humans to claim that they say we talking animals don’t have souls. They freely acknowledge that we have souls. Just not as good as theirs.). The sooner you learn your place the sooner you will learn to be happy.
And it’s more fun
And less responsibilities.