12 thoughts on “She’s Not Wrong Either

  1. She’s not wrong.

    We OLD bastards are better off.

    ASSUMING, of course, we have paid off our homes and have no other debt. My beloved wife and I have tried to live by God’s teachings and have no debt. We live below the poverty line here in Orygun, and survive quite well just on Social Security(which I paid a LOT into, and it’s MY MONEY}.

    God-Speed to our progeny.

    Mine are doing well, but many are not.

    These younger folks are facing a bad time if they haven’t been taught.

    Sorry for the rambling…

  2. One time I had an extended work trip in California when I lived in another state and ended up paying non resident state income tax in California that year. How was I represented in California government?
    Also – the total tax rate including sales tax and property tax for me is a lot higher than 50%.
    This isn’t worth it.
    If I had it to do over I’d leave and go to Central America or someplace else.

  3. Too many live far beyond their means to stay solvent, and then comes the debt and slavery. I worked until I was an hunnert below where you have to declare income, the rest was payed through non .gov involvement. This way I had access to the benefits that the welfare freeloaders had (carbon tax rebate. etc). I live in the lap of luxury for 7 hundy an month and still have lots left for whiskey! Years ago I decided to no longer fund the lives of the parasite class and it has worked out well for me!

  4. Correction: It was a 3 shilling tax per pound of tea. The tea was compressed into half inch thick squares that were 18″ square by the India Tea company. They were bundled together to make a cube that weighed about 300 pounds. That came out to 900 shillings per cube of tea. That is about $5.50 in today’s money. A pound of tea cost 24 shillings back in the 1770’s. A 3 shilling tax was about a 11.5% tax.

    If you are going to reference history it is a good idea to know the correct version of it. BTW: I just learned most of this on a recent trip to Boston.

  5. Michigan, for all its faults, is not yet a target for blackrock to buy up all the homes, and we have the Headly amendment to keep property taxes from going up with the market.
    She needs to move North, just a bit, as long as she doesn’t bring Illinois values with her
    I am blessed, my house is paid for and both my kids own their first homes

  6. She’s right in concept but her numbers are wrong. 2/3 of federal spending is “non-discretionary”, interest on the debt, social security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Defense spending is 50% of the remaining 1/3, which is referred to as discretionary spending. It’s a classic leftist sleight-of-hand trick to make defense spending seem bigger than it is.

    And these are old numbers, before the recent spike in interest payments, so it’s even worse in reality.

  7. It is not Taxation without representation. It’s taxation with misrepresentation. We have a lot of that.

  8. She had 3 incomes for the $103k… and she’s sure sounds correct for the tax numbers…
    The point that our taxes pay for someone else’s war while they get free medical was a good one.

  9. She thinks she’s so smart. Tell us something we don’t know. The ones who don’t know sadly will get what they deserve.

    Saw a twatter meme yesterday of a german gal bemoaning how American bagels are good and why don’t they have them in Germany. Of course it had the standard reply “who wants to tell her”

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