10 thoughts on “Sharon, Jane, Mindy, none of the phone numbers panned out.

  1. The best numbers are found on shit house doors on shrimp boats.

    • That was the phone number for Ashbrook Jr. HS in Gastonia, NC. They had to change it, as over 200 calls/day asking for Jenny came in.

  2. If you know your bosses cell phone number, DO NOT get any funny ideas. Nope, just don’t. Absolutely not.

  3. You shoulda gone for Jenny… 867-5309…

    Fun fact: That song caused “the phone company” to permanently retire that number in ALL AREA CODES. It’s also the reason why when a phone number is referenced on TV or in the movies, it’s always 555-xxxx. The 555 prefix is not publicly issued, so any calls to a number starting with 555 are kicked back.

  4. years ago, I worked with this real asshole who thought he was “all that”.
    anyway, he had a bunch of cards made up with his title and phone numbers
    yes, work, home and cell. so,,,,,,
    after fucking a few people over big time, I grabbed a box of his cards and passed them out to ‘fellow co-workers” that got fucked by him. and I told them a tale of long ago. any time you came across a car “accident” or wreck slip one of the cards under the wiper but make sure to write “sorry, contact me” on the blank side.
    NOW, I have left said company by this time. but the stories I heard where enough to have me rolling on the floor all day long !
    so, from what I heard is that he had to change all of his phone numbers and the company had to change them as well (6-8 lines) anyway.
    it seems that my “co-workers’ did rather well at passing out his card to any and all they came across until there was none left.
    just something to keep in mind if you ever find yourself wanting to get “even” with some asshole without going to jail or prison. also remember to “wipe” the card clean before leaving it. just saying.so, yeah. you can have a bit of fun with phone numbers.

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