Shall Not Be Infringed

Every gun control law since then is Un-Constitutional.

There are still several very important lawsuits still pending in front of the Supreme Court yet this year but over all, the Anti Gunners have been getting kicked in the teeth repeatedly this year.


The Supreme Court needs to settle some of the bullshit in front of them in our favor and permanently shut down these cocksuckers and their desperate attempts to disarm us.

15 thoughts on “Shall Not Be Infringed

  1. The Supreme Court has been firm on the subject. But the lower courts that supposedly answer to the Supremes keep ruling against the Big 2A, like the 9th Circuit Court (which should have been dissolved years ago…)

    And it’s not just guns. It’s all aspects of self protection and self defense from knives and brass knuckles and clubs and maces and Mace and armor and cannon and fortified buildings and all of that.

    • Not only the lower courts, but state and local governments keep passing laws that fly in the face of SCOTUS’ rulings, which must go through the lower courts for SCOTUS to slap them down.

      State and local governments then change a few words in the law and it’s lather, rinse, repeat.

      For instance in NYSRPA v Bruen, the issue was NYS requirement for a carry permit to show “a good and substantiation reason why you need a carry permit”. That got slapped down, so NYS changed the law to read “demonstrate good moral character” and “here’s a whole list of new place you can’t carry”. (What other Constitutional right demands you “demonstrate good moral character” before you’re allowed to exercise it? First?, Fourth?, Fifth?…)

  2. People’s have been killing people from the dawn of man, that is a given if you have studied recorded history (noting that victors were the ones writing the history, itdoesn’t matter what tool were used, the result is the same.
    If you look at the civil war, the democrats brought in a ton of slavery, to fight the civil war, with slaves.
    Today we have a Democrat run white house, who is flying in mercenaries from the third world to fight the next civil war.
    Listen to Bob Marley, “Buffalo Soldier ”
    Tell me I’m wrong.

    • Both sides had slaves even during the war between the states. The war was not fought over slavery. I couldn’t tell if you were implying that or not.

      In 1803, I believe, the issue of abolishing slavery in the U.S. was for the 2nd time shelved. By who? New England states, that’s who.

  3. This is one reason why the Democrats and the major media are constantly attacking the Supreme Court. They want term limits to get rid of the current court and more than 9 justices so they can pack the court whenever they want.

    If the Ho gets elected you can bet on it.

  4. The only reason they did not have gun control back then was that they had ‘people’ control. For example: Steal a horse – hanging. Rob a bank/train – hanging, etc. If we could go back to permanently removing the criminals from this earth, we would not need gun control at all.

  5. People need to read Federalist 29 among others to understand why the Founders put the Second Amendment in the Constitution.

    It sure as hell didn’t have anything to do with hunting.

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