Self Cancelling Stupidity

Also known as a Clusterfuck.

Free Palestine Protesters blocking Philly Pride Parade

I don’t know if it’s just me but I think that there are WAY TOO MANY people in this country who don’t seem to have to spend most of their time having to work, pay bills, take care of personal business and put food on the table.

Instead they have plenty of time and money to find ways to interfere with those of us who do.

They are the very definition of Useless Eaters.

15 thoughts on “Self Cancelling Stupidity

    • Yeah, kinda made myself sick thinking of the likely combination of smells….

  1. Is that considered a Mexican standoff or two groups from the same side fighting each other?

  2. Where is the “pallet of bricks” that inexplicably, always seems to be present at just the right time???

    Add some type of makeshift weapons, bricks, 2×4’s or the aforementioned baseball bats, withdraw the police, and let nature take its course….

  3. Toss in a lit pack of firecrackers and let the entertainment begin

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