17 thoughts on “Sear this into your brain! H/T to Irish, whom I pilfered from.

  1. Absitively and posilutely. As best I can, I want to be on cordial terms with the local gendarmes, but I recognize that I will never be friends with them.

  2. ROFL….jfc

    As if this is a bad thing. Too many cops are dead out there because they got complacent and trusted people they shouldn’t have.

    General rule of thumb is that you shouldn’t trust anybody anyway, whether they’re a cop or not. I did over 20 years of law enforcement work and I can count the people I trusted on one hand….and that included cops. Trust is earned and nobody does nearly enough to earn it.

    • You might be an old fart.
      Training in the last couple of decades down here in the US has focused on manipulation.

      • Old fart….lol. I guess one never thinks he’s at that point until other people start pointing it out.

        FWIW, I was trained by ‘older farts’. But the bullshit they’re teaching guys today, and what they AREN’T teaching, makes me shake my head in disbelief sometimes.

    • Funny. Usually the sort of thing I heard from child molesters and wife beaters.

      But you wouldn’t know anything about that, I’m sure…

  3. i was a cop in the 80’s. it was going bad even then. went from serve n protect to enforce, enforce, enforce. hammer the little guy, move up. quit to join the military. that was good for a while but that took a shit ten or 15 years ago. got a few still in the green machine trying to make retirement. they won’t shoot us, but the rest will. i don’t know who originally said it, but stonewall jackson said, “it is only when men realize that they are already dead that they can do the terrible things required to be victorious”. fellas, we’re dead already. let’s get to it.

  4. “the police are trained never to trust you” They are also trained to control the situation even during a seemingly innocuous civil encounter matter like a noise complaint at a business and to almost never answer any question by a citizen who’s not one of them.

    • That’s not training, it’s inexperience. Lot of rookies get out of the academy thinking there are ninjas hiding in all the trashcans.

      They lose all sense of common sense and don’t even try to relate to common folks.

  5. The SCOTUS has ruled time after time the cops have NO duty to protect and or serve anyone . The only thing they protect is their asses and the only people they serve is each other. None are to be trusted all are best avoided .They are the biggest gang out there ,and will not think twice about killing you or your dog

  6. Had a young sheriffs deputy tell me that when things went to shit, he planned on raiding preppers to survive. Said he didn’t get paid enough to prepare for himself.

    All conversations were “strictly business” from that point on.

    • I would be let it be known among your neighbors and friends his proclivities… I bet the boy doesn’t last a week after sporting time has sprung.

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