Say A Prayer For CederQ

EDIT: I got the results back. I did have a small stroke, in the cerebrum, caudal to the hippocampus and cerebellum and a anaptyctic reaction to a medication. I have what looks like measles or small blister cow pox. It happened in a deep part of the brain. It was not near any of the motor cortex(no arm/leg involvement) or an ocular(eyes, occipital) involvement. As strokes go, I had a “lucky” small one, why it took a radiologist over 3 days to find it. I have already discovered some discrepancies in my short term memory and have started using techniques we used in the hospital for brain damaged and stroke patients.

Irish texted me after BearClaw got ahold of him, to let me know that CederQ had a medical emergency over the weekend.

First off, thanks to BearClaw and Irish both. These Blogs absolutely create communities.

As soon as I found out about it I called CederQ myself.

I’m no doctor so I’m not going to speculate so this is what I know.

CederQ had a spell Saturday while at his brother’s place and his brother took him to the emergency room.

He said he felt funny and the next thing he knew he was laying on his back on the floor staring up at his brother.

His brother said that he had been out for a while.

So they loaded him up in the truck and hauled him off to the ER.

Cat Scan, MRI and blood tests. He still doesn’t have the results to any of them.

He is home now and waiting on a report from the radiologist but he can’t see for shit. He says everything is real blurry.

The only way he found his phone was because BearClaw called him and he found it by following the ringing.

First thing out of his mouth when I called was “who is this?”.

So he says he can see large objects but can’t see the screen on his phone enough to read it. Same same for his computer I am assuming.


I just got off the phone with him and he says his vision has cleared up some and he can see a lot better now.

He says he’s not in any pain so that is good and that he is able to feed himself, also good.

He also says his brother comes around to check on him and take care of anything necessary.

That’s about all I know.

So please say a prayer for the ornery old cuss and let us all hope for the best. I will try and find some content and schedule some posts in the meantime so there isn’t a bunch of dead air here.

As the saying goes, you don’t what you’ve got till it’s gone, CederQ has been an invaluable help around here and has been quite prolific in his posting.

I will definitely feel his absence but my one and only concern is his well being.

Knowing him, he will be shit posting before we know it.

God Bless you man.

Thanks to all our readers and especially Bear Claw and Irish.

Cederq reminded me that the last time he had a medical emergency and went MIA for a week that it was Irish who tracked him down. Since I also found out about this recent episode from Irish, CederQ jokingly called him the clearing house for missing bloggers.

41 thoughts on “Say A Prayer For CederQ

  1. Get better. Rest, plenty of druids, take 2 memes and don’t forget rule 5.

    Seriously all you bloggers are greatly appreciated. Get back to 100% soon Cederq.

  2. Ced’s too damn ornery to be kept down.
    Rest up and give ’em hell when you’re better.

  3. “He said he felt funny and the next thing he knew he was laying on his back on the floor…” Somebody spike his coffee cup with DeCaf? Too much making merry at the Juneteenth Festival? (dodges a thrown coffee cup) Rule 5 Ms Thang give him a “come hither” look?

    Get well, CederQ, you Grumpy Old Phuquer. Those of us that lurk use you as a source of “Social Media” (f*ck Fakebook), news, entertainment, and stealing memes.

  4. Cederq tracked me down with his mad interwebs skilz, and we’ve had a number of phone conversations since. I’ve learned a fair bit about his health issues, and he is indeed a medical nightmare. Just hoping that he can get stable and functional again. One big advantage he has is that he knows enough about medicine and medical practice that he won’t suffer any BS quacks trying to bamboozle him.
    Thanks for the updates Phil.

  5. Awful news.
    But I’m going to end the speculation right now.
    The fault lies with, Filthy. He’s been talking smack about Cederq for the past few weeks. I think the stress of being the center of attention got the better of him.

    My prayers are with you man.
    Get better soon.

  6. Clearing house, that’s funny shit Phil. I spoke to him again later and he’s watching “The Postman” to get a better idea of what our future will look like, so he is seeing better, still no results report.

    Phil dead air not always a bad thing, gives us time to prognosticate about what we all are going to do about all the bullshit. We’ll be here when and if you and Kevin surface.

  7. Praying for you CederQ. We’ll miss you while you recover but take the time you need. Brenda

  8. Prayers up…keep us poasted, you guys. You have faithful fans here. Cederq owes me lots of money and I will worry about him if we don’t get regular updates.

    The rest a you guys take care too.

  9. Best wishes from the other side of the lake, Cederq and thumbs up for the jungle drums keeping us informed.

    Onwards and upwards!

  10. Prayers coming his way. It if both of you need some time, we’ll be here when you get back!

  11. I was afraid something had happened when the usual Monday content went missing. But all of y’all keep in mind that Kevin might be down, but it’ll take more than that to put him out.

    Hurry back Kevin and God Speed.

    Thanks for letting us know, Phil.

  12. After all these years I still can’t make up my mind on how to pronounce CedarQ.

    • Because you are pronouncing it wrong, doesn’t have an “a” in it… CederQ, Ceder just like the tree Cedar and then pronounce the “Q”

      • Hot damn! You can read! Thanks fer not dying! Thanks fer getting better!

        • I had to retype it three times, I don’t know for better… But I can read, and slowly type. My MS is kicking my butt, I hope.

  13. Thanks for all that you guys do to keep our spirits up in these trying times…Prayers incoming! Don’t let your meat loaf!

  14. Prayers coming your way Cederq.

    As well for Phil: you take care of yourself too!

  15. What? No old truck Tuesday? Quit the slackin ‘ and get back in the saddle. ;-))

    Seriously, I wish you a speedy recovery. Prayers incoming.

  16. Wow, scary. Glad to hear he’s on the mend. Plenty of prayers from us over here in South Cackylacky too of course.

  17. I pray Phil and CederQ both, get to feeling good. I think the young and handsome Glen Filthie has good health except for his poor feet. I mean, look at what he subjects them to! (Plastic Orthopedic contrivance of some doubtful origin)

  18. Get better Kevin.
    Who’s going to bust my balls with poorly made Ford memes, if you’re not around?

    Whitehall, N Y

  19. Hope they don’t find anything bad on your tests and labs
    Good luck, get better.

  20. I’ve been lurking here daily for years. I hope Kevin makes a speedy recovery. Heck, I’m glad both of you are still kicking in whatever shape you’re currently in. Thoughts and prayers guys! MartyB

  21. Add another prayers inbound. Give yourself and your body time to recover. Don’t push yourself too hard to get back in the saddle, all that does is slow down the recovery.

    We’ll still be here when you resurface.


  22. Pingback: Prayer Request

  23. I’m so sorry to hear this! I missed this post when it was first put up. I actually had one of my commentors let me know that something happened with Cederq. I am praying for you! call me when you get a chance

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