22 thoughts on “Saxon has started to hate…

      by Rudyard Kipling
      It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late,
      With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.
      They were not easily moved, They were icy — willing to wait Till every count should be proved,
      Ere the Saxon began to hate.
      Their voices were even and low
      Their eyes were level and straight.
      There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.
      It was not preached to the crowd.
      It was not taught by the state.
      No man spoke it aloud
      When the Saxon began to hate.
      It was not suddently bred.
      It will not swiftly abate.
      Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.

    • Cripes alive. There are already enough of your type. Dour, depressed, surrender monkeys. No, not surrendered to your oppressor; worse still, you have given in and given up to your own defeated heart. To the oppressor by and by.
      Thankfully, your kind never prevailed at any time throughout history. Why would you for you have already surrendered at the threshold.

      It is only too late or too little when ye think it so.

      • My type? Go fuck yourself. You don’t know a goddamn thing and you sound vaccinated.

        I haven’t surrendered jack shit and I’m not saying they, or anyone else, should either. Fuckin keyboard warriors like ‘your type’…you talk alot of shit online because you know you won’t get busted in the teeth, but I’d bet a wooden nickel you’re one of those assholes who rolled up his sleeve because “mah jerb” then whined about it after the fact. Seriously, screw you.

        For the retards on the short bus, like poor Ricky boy here, I say ‘too little, too late’ because this should have been happening 15 FUCKING YEARS AGO (at least) when white Anglo Saxons WEREN’T a minority in their own country, didn’t have the deck stacked against them, and weren’t being run by a dyed-in-the-wool communist.

        Should.they resist? Yes, by all means. But unfortunately, it likely won’t amount to anything. What happens to these people will serve as an example to keep what’s left of the rest of the Brits in line. It will also be a reminder of what they have in store for the rest of us. Because we’re not very far away at all from them. In fact, I’d argue we’re already there.

        • Did you see the feds agreed with Quebec that they can start shipping the refugees Turdeau paid them to take to other provinces?
          I noticed several provinces were not invited to the meeting. Want to bet AB and NB get flooded With Quebec’s criminal element?

    • Rooster of the fighting stock
      Would you let a Saxon cock
      Crow out upon an Irish rock?
      Fly up and teach him manners

      Follow me up to Carlow.

  1. The riots were sparked because they initially believed the stabbings in Southport were by a muslim…..not an unreasonable guess based on past performance, but the riots surprisingly didn’t die down when they were told “it’s ok he wasn’t muslim, he was a kid born in Wales.” Born in Wales to Rwandan immigrants, and the issue rapidly became immigration. While most of us deplore violence, it is not surprising that the initial emotional response to such an atrocity is kinetic.
    What the UK gov. didn’t appreciate is the level of discontent with their immigration policies among those directly affected and the approbation from the US on line concerning the police arresting mostly peaceful protesters.
    However, the majority of Brits are right-thinking goodfolks, and what is not shown in that picture is the larger crowd of counter-protesters. Most middle class Brits don’t care for “racists” and “far-right thugs” and they have come out in droves to counter protest; a fact that their news media has glommed into and emphasized as Brits behaving correctly (at their masters’ suggestion). Most are ok with their current situation, and although not happy with their government’s policies, (recently elected labor no different to outgoing conservatives it would seem), they dont want to say controversial things like that awful Elon Musk, whose “brand of toxicity and the X Platform has been brought into the cross hairs of regulators not just in UK but across Europe and beyond.” They cannot say controversial things….by law…. and do not appear at all upset by this. The London Metropolitan Police Chief’s statement about coming after foreign commentators was widely praised in UK.
    In 2015 I toured St Paul’s Cathedral in London; that huge domed Anglican edifice built, post reformation, after the great fire of London in 1666. Images in 1940 of the cathedral during the Blitz are archetypal Britain….At one point the verger conducting the tour mentioned to me that she thought within 20 years it would be converted into apartments or (more likely IMO) a mosque.
    Multiculturalism has destroyed the country in which I grew up and those I left have no stomach to fight the creeping tides of socialism and sharia. May your chains rest lightly upon you.

    • ^ This.

      Thinking this ‘pushback’ is going to amount to anything worthwhile is akin to masturbation. Yes, they can and should protest, but this is baked in the cake. As I understand it, this has been going on for decades and the English, by and large, continue to vote for it.

      I’m always pleased to be acquainted with another realist.

    • Of intentional MEDIA OBSCURITY is the FACT that while there was a candle light vigil for those little girls who were slaughtered, the crowd discovered and subsequently the Police arrested a MUSLIM who was at the vigil with a balaclava and a meat cleaver hidden on his person. This is what actually started the riots against the Muslims.
      The FACT the “authorities” then started lying about how this isn’t an Islamic problem made the situation worse.
      If we are lucky, Germany will begin bombing the shit out of London.

  2. how else thinks there are likely profiteers already working on shipping a lot of bang bang lethality to jolly old?

  3. The original after the death of his son in WW1…


    It was not part of their blood,

    It came to them very late

    With long arrears to make good,

    When the English began to hate.

    They were not easily moved,

    They were icy willing to wait

    Till every count should be proved,

    Ere the English began to hate.

    Their voices were even and low,

    Their eyes were level and straight.

    There was neither sign nor show,

    When the English began to hate.

    It was not preached to the crowd,

    It was not taught by the State.

    No man spoke it aloud,

    When the English began to hate.

    It was not suddenly bred,

    It will not swiftly abate,

    Through the chill years ahead,

    When Time shall count from the date

    That the English began to hate.

    (very bottom)

  4. Enoch Powell tried to tell them years ago. They would not listen. Now they are reaping the whirlwind. We in Amerika should learn a very big lesson from this. We should also learn a very big lesson from Venezuela. The sheeple, normies and cucks will not. They are too focused on their bread and circuses. Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.

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