16 thoughts on “Russian Concert Theater Gets Shot Up, 40 Dead, Over 100 Injured. Democrats Immediately Call For More Gun Control.

  1. Why do democrats want more gun control?
    Did somebody shoot back?
    Because that’s the only thing democrats care about: shooting back at thugs.

  2. Wow, I’m a little jaded at seeing violence at this point in my life, but watching the video of these gunmen really shook me.
    Would’t shock me if “The Agency” is involved in some way..

    • that was my first thought as well. as the “war: is not going well for them in ukie land. given the history of the ABC guys, I really do not put anything past them anymore. we stopped being the “good guys”
      a long time ago.

      • Roger that, Dave. It’s amazing and sad how few people “get” that. Everybody is going to “get it” through this engineered “Idiocracy” and foreign invasion.

  3. One of the hot rumors flying around out there is that they have one of the perps still alive. If true, he will soon wish he was not. See BCE’s latest rant and the comment thread for bloggy good stuff.

    • History has proven time and again the Russians are the Kings of FAFO. This will not end well for everyone remotely related to these gunmen. It is best they kill themselves now and have some control over their own demise.

  4. Interesting point about ISIS/CIA connection….not good if accurate. More interesting, in the Chinese curse way, is that it hasn’t yet happened here. It surely will.
    Dems calling for gun control….sun rises in east, bears in woods etc. I think this event may wake even more people up to the threat environment. I dont think the latest iteration of gun control (AMMO Act S.3223/H.R.6172) is going to happen.

  5. Could be a Putin false flag operation like the apartment bombings he used to consolidate power and justify the invasion of Chechnya. Don’t be surprised if the attackers just happened to be ‘terrorists’ from Poland, Estonia or Lithuania.

  6. One of the murdering scum has already ID’d as having fought for Ukraine in 2022 and has Ukrainian citizenship.

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