Round Two Is Currently Under Way

Everybody with two functioning brain synapses to rub together needs to stand the fuck up this time and tell these rat fuckers that we ain’t playing their game again.

 Public Elementary School in Wealthy DC Suburb Forcing Third-Grade Children to Wear Masks Again

By Cullen Linebarger Sep. 5, 2023

Montgomery County, Maryland – The mandates and potentially lockdowns are gradually coming back into American life. Children are among the first victims of this travesty.

Conservative radio talk show host Clay Travis posted a letter o X (formerly Twitter) which was sent to all parents at Rosemary Hills Elementary School in Montgomery County, which is a tony DC suburb. The letter, which was from the school’s principal, Rebecca Irwin Kennedy, said that because “3 or more” students had recently tested positive for COVID 19, all third-grade students must mask up for the next ten days.

Moreover, the masks must be N95s despite little evidence such masks (or any for that matter) are actually effective at stopping the spread of the virus.

Despite the absolute fact that N95 masks are worse than useless for stopping virii in any way shape or form.

“The New Variant” and a corresponding and “oh how convenient” Jab are coming very soon.

I can tell you as a fact that the Commie Governor of the State of Washington is already dribbling in his underwear at the prospects of invoking another Emergency for 900 plus days so he can order everything locked down again and the useless face masks being mandated again.

I’m thinking I can’ t be the only one around here this time who is going to tell him to pound sand in his fucking ass over that.

But I for one sure as fuck is going to do just that.

You can shove that “Vaccine” right in your eyeball too.

7 thoughts on “Round Two Is Currently Under Way

  1. “Despite the absolute fact that N95 masks are worse than useless for stopping virii in any way shape or form.”

    That’s only 99% correct. If the virus is embedded in phlegm the mask will stop it just fine, provided you don’t mind breathing through snot. But you are absolutely correct, N95 masks’ weave is NOT small enough to prevent unencumbered virii from passing straight through the mask in either direction.

    Personally, I will only wear a mask into a bank, because who doesn’t.

    • Wrong. Stop it. Stop wearing the diaper on your face, you look stupid, and it does not protect you. There are dozens of recent studies which are easy to find. Even Birx admitted the other day they were wrong about the masks.

      This school in Montgomery County is in Silver Spring, where whites are only a third of the population. They’ll make the blacks and hispanics and poor white trash submit to these rehashed mandates first because they won’t put up any resistance. Then they’ll come for you.

      And if you wear a face diaper into the bank around here you’ll probably be mistaken for a thief and be dealt with accordingly.

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