350 miles one way to my Aunt and Uncle’s 50th wedding anniversary with a small family reunion on the side.
Clear the fuck down in BFE South Central Oregon in a little farming town called Burns.
It’ a fer piece from Vancouver needless to say. The old Chevy actually made it.

Lotsa nothing for a hundred miles.

It stops at 85 so I couldn’t tell you how fast I was going but I had the old bastard howling
Haven’t been to Burns for a few years. While you’re there, check out the lava holes outside town. Pretty cool, where giant lava bubbles formed perfect circles in the ground. But watch for the mosquitoes – they will actually chase your truck down the road.
Been to John Day, north of there, a shame you can’t relocate, you would be a welcome perspective for being an independent critical thinker, any place east of the cascades is good compared to the west side, mostly, kinda, anyway. chuckling
We have been going through Burns a couple of times a year since we moved to middle of nowhere SW Idaho 20 years ago. Wife is from Prineville and we normally have the annual drive via Idaho 78, to US 95 (avoiding the crazy traffic in Boise thanks to the California invasion), to Burns Junction, to Burns. Talk about a whole lot of nothing.
I had that same speedo in my (new at the time) 90 GMC with the 350 fuel injection. Damn thing would run. If you lay into it long enough, the white turns to black again at the zero mark and keeps going up. I’ve had the black up to 35, which if you add to 85 makes 120 mph.
Had a Pontiac with a spedometer that went up to 120. Took it out on a straight highway one night, no one else around. The car was still accelerating when it hit the 120 mark.
Phil I hope you and the fambly have a great time on your well deserved break.
Burns was a nice little town in the early 60s. We went through there on the annual trip back to the Nashville, TN area while my father was stationed at Adair AFS. That was at the beginning of the SoCal invasion and before Oregon was completely screwed by the weird left.
I’ve heard Burns is still a nice place, but that Bend is a mess.