21 thoughts on “Right, The Fuck, On Dude

  1. Well. sounds reasonable to me. There’s no shortage of folks feeling JUST LIKE THAT!

  2. Yep!
    Shooting somebody is already illegal, but still the democrats want to take our guns away.

    • Perhaps some clarification is needed:
      The Democrats want to take away OUR guns, not guns from their supporters.

  3. I concur. Rules only apply when all agree to compliance. Compliance is tempered by consequence. However, consequence is oft lost upon the daft. Judicious application of consequence is still effective on such pee wits if it eliminates their choice regarding compliance, especially if there is the illusion that they chose.

    • Correction, is likely illegal in your (all) jurisdiction.

  4. Righteous rant indeed! And he is channeling my inner anger and hatred of all of the stupidity quite well. On a positive note, husband scored some 30-06 @ .29 cents a round and some 308 @ .21 cents a round. You can never have enough.

    A happy birthday to someone I know. Can I make you some brownies? 😉

  5. Anyone notice the words he used at 1:16 to 1:17, he used a specific word, this is not the first time in recent discussion that word has been used, Philip Anderson used that word in a comment to joey gropy on June 28th about the Pres. debate on twitter/x, I think a lot of men in his demographic, for lack of a better word, have had enough of the bullshit and are labeling people as they are, which has nothing to do with racism. I could be wrong, having never met this man, but he is calling events as he sees them, as we have been doing for several years.

  6. While I share his frustration and agree with his underlying point (and it is a righteously bitchin’ rant) he is over looking the fact that yes, we already have laws against these things that in point of fact haven’t worked to prevent them because the laws are not enforced. How, then, will new laws concerning the same offenses be any more effective?

    What we need is a simple blanket law that states “if any holder of a government position – be it elected, appointed, or hired – fails to follow a law, that upon breaking it would ordinarily result in a felony conviction, said government employee may be immediately and summarily executed by any available means by any concerned group of citizens, or a group of same acting in the public interest.

    Further, full immunity from prosecution shall automatically be imparted on any citizen(s) who carry out such execution(s) so as to prevent the government form being able to leverage the threat of a murder conviction against concerned citizens, thereby discouraging the proper and necessary winnowing of government as it’s citizens may decide is required from time to time.”

    It should be legal, and encouraged, to dispatch dirty, lawbreaking government stooges with impunity, and without the need for trials that the government conveniently controls. That would stop all this bullshit with the quickness.

    Of course, we would need a means of dealing with all the damned zealots on the left who will fabricate justifications to use the above law just to be able to murder politicians they personally dislike. I say we just make it legal to commit democide on them, since they are irreparably damaged stupid fucks with no redeeming value.

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