12 thoughts on “Right! and rightly so!

    • Oh Annie, poor Annie. You did drink the kool-aid didn’t you. Toxic masculinity is a label probably developed by liberal, likely lesbian, toxic feminist misandrists who have rejected God’s natural order of things and who don’t respect males as the men God made them and the position in life that they hold. I will take my strong, testosterone dripping, alpha male any day over some weak, pussy, man bun, tight jean, subservient soy boy. Find yourself a manly man who will lay you proper. Good luck.

      Yours truly from a feminine, alpha male loving female.

      • Your creative writing exercise with the fantasy Big Sky Daddy ordering the universe and the fantasy husband who “lays you proper” demonstrates a long-term Kool Aid aficionado. The need to describe yourself as ‘feminine’ indicates some deep insecurity. Have you been described as not feminine at some point?
        On the off chance that you do have a husband as you describe the odds are he’s a juicer who’s junk has shrunk and no longer functions.

        • annie, you are on a role again. Keep it civil or I will allow a pig pile from all the other commentators or if you get too liberal at Projection I will have no compunction to ban you off to the most frigid wasteland which for some reason seems to describe you.

    • Fair enough. Is there ANY masculinity that is good? Or is there any that is even acceptable?

  1. Not just eaten by wolves. History is a repetitive story of competition (war) over resources with the losing side being enslaved. Watch as the US pulls back from that “toxic masculine” role of being the world’s policemen. The Ukraine, Gaza, and the Red Sea are just a foreshadow. Buckle up, the era of relative peace and global prosperity is ending. Your grandchildren’s and great grandchildren’s lives will not be as nice and easy as yours was.

  2. From what I’ve seen, I think that 9/10 (or more) of the Soy-men running around would not Survive being thrown out in the Woods without a Cell Phone. Even in the Summertime, they would be Eaten by Field Mice within 24 Hours, and the Wolves would be left with the Scraps…

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