OK, that one made me laugh out loud AND cry.
Unfortunately, my wife’s not that dumb and could have “fixed” at least 2 of those “problems”.
Same. I got a SMART wooooomannnnn and except for the electronics and advanced mechanics, she can fix darn near ANYthing.
yeah. I have the same problem. the wife can fix most things herself.
she calls me for the tough ones or in the rare case she made it worse.
BTW, the wife can and has fixed her phone. like swapping out the screen out and other small jobs like that. she did get me to put her new electric bike together though. made me a really nice diner afterwards too !
AND, any tools she does borrow, she puts BACK in the same place/tool box !
that works for me
That there is a keeper!
I envy you Dave
Been there, done that. Of course, she was strawberry blonde, so was easy to fool. And I don’t want chips; I want a proper sammich and lemonade, not to mention the other *ahem* perks of the job.
Kid has to go to bed FIRST.
If you have to commit minor acts of sabotage to keep the Missus happy , you might be lame.
Aren’t you special.
yep , but I’m not lame
If you’re a real man, and she’s a real woman, she’s both happy and impressed already.
I did the cardinal sin. I broke (for real) the clothes washer. There was screaming and gnashing and foul language and then she realized that I could fix it. Went to Whirlpool parts website and the first listed part was the latch piece I broke closing the lid. FIRST ITEM listed, since I have done washer engineering and actually worked on the lid mechanism for this type of washer, I’m sure that this part is designed to break if some idiot tries to pry the glass lid open. $19.56 for the new latch, bought two. Removal and replacement takes less time than typing this with no tools. So with quick shipping and 30 seconds of work, she was good to go.
Holy fook why’d you give away all our secrets?
But if she finds out you will not be able to sleep safe at night.
Yep – cruising for a bruising right enough.
I unwired the vent fan in her bathroom for continuously leaving it on. Told her it must have burnt up. Waited several days before unfixing it
There’s enough things that need fixing around the old ranch without having to make shit up. If I get half the things done that I set out to do then it’s been a good day.
Linky no worky
Now it does
But he drinks bud light. DUMBASS
Either that or she’s calling him a fag.
OK, that one made me laugh out loud AND cry.
Unfortunately, my wife’s not that dumb and could have “fixed” at least 2 of those “problems”.
Same. I got a SMART wooooomannnnn and except for the electronics and advanced mechanics, she can fix darn near ANYthing.
yeah. I have the same problem. the wife can fix most things herself.
she calls me for the tough ones or in the rare case she made it worse.
BTW, the wife can and has fixed her phone. like swapping out the screen out and other small jobs like that. she did get me to put her new electric bike together though. made me a really nice diner afterwards too !
AND, any tools she does borrow, she puts BACK in the same place/tool box !
that works for me
That there is a keeper!
I envy you Dave
Been there, done that. Of course, she was strawberry blonde, so was easy to fool. And I don’t want chips; I want a proper sammich and lemonade, not to mention the other *ahem* perks of the job.
Kid has to go to bed FIRST.
If you have to commit minor acts of sabotage to keep the Missus happy , you might be lame.
Aren’t you special.
yep , but I’m not lame
If you’re a real man, and she’s a real woman, she’s both happy and impressed already.
I did the cardinal sin. I broke (for real) the clothes washer. There was screaming and gnashing and foul language and then she realized that I could fix it. Went to Whirlpool parts website and the first listed part was the latch piece I broke closing the lid. FIRST ITEM listed, since I have done washer engineering and actually worked on the lid mechanism for this type of washer, I’m sure that this part is designed to break if some idiot tries to pry the glass lid open. $19.56 for the new latch, bought two. Removal and replacement takes less time than typing this with no tools. So with quick shipping and 30 seconds of work, she was good to go.
Holy fook why’d you give away all our secrets?
But if she finds out you will not be able to sleep safe at night.
Yep – cruising for a bruising right enough.
I unwired the vent fan in her bathroom for continuously leaving it on. Told her it must have burnt up. Waited several days before unfixing it
There’s enough things that need fixing around the old ranch without having to make shit up. If I get half the things done that I set out to do then it’s been a good day.