14 thoughts on “Remember This Next Year

  1. Really ?
    Isn’t Tucson about 60 miles from the Mexico border ??????????????
    Is the fact-checking department still on Christmas vacation ?
    ( place laughing emoji face here )

      • more facts: the USBP closes them, so the CBP welded them open…typical monkey fucking a football, fed style

        Absolutely had no reason to leave open until the wall construction was stopped by our most popular (p)resident ever,,, stopped before the COE finished the features that would slow or stop debris at these gates

        not poorly designed or built, poorly managed and poorly halted by an inept and delusional potus along with his addled staff and advisors

        fuck reuters, too

  2. forget all the criminal acts with his family. he should have been impeached 2 years ago on this alone.

  3. The State needs to put up its own fence, and sue the crap out of the Feds.
    Getting rid of the Dems will solve the problem.

  4. yeah. I am thinking that next year they will start turning off the cash cards they handed out to the illegals. like maybe next summer ?
    figure 50% of them might go home, the rest will start taking what they want from whoever they can. doesn’t matter either way. next year is going to be hell.
    they have let in everyone. gave them money we don’t have and put them on buses
    or planes going wherever they want to go. isn’t this fun ???
    or maybe the stupid will try and take all of the Russians assets they can, forcing the Russians to bring about the fall of the dollar. again, that doesn’t matter as they have printed it like mad and no one wants it anymore.
    so, stock up on HARD ASSETS. like ammo, gold or silver if you have the bucks to do so. I don’t. but food, water filters and meds are always a good thing.
    just so you know, the left has never given up power after getting it. unless by force. just something you should keep in mind as you go about your day.

    • I think you have it all covered.
      You’re right, they’ll leave when you stop feeding them, but they’ll take as much as they can with them.

      • yeah. but I think they planning on the illegals starting a crime wave after the “card” dies. and then they start stealing whatever they can. so the “people” want crime to stop. the clowns in power want martial law and the stupid “people’ will give it to them thinking the crime wave will stop.
        IT WON’T. they might stop crime here and there to make it look “good”. but what they really want is the power to go after us. plan on a massive gun control plan to take everything away from us.
        they will not leave you alone to live your best life.
        they want control. if they can’t get that. they want us dead.

        • “illegals starting a crime wave after the “card” dies”

          Isn’t that a target rich environment?

  5. The welding was not done by biden, or his cronies.

    It was done by local workers, with names and addresses.

    Never forget, never forgive.

  6. Just one of 10,000+ ACTS OF TREASON committed by this crime family. To say nothing of the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

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