12 thoughts on “Remember honored guests and lurkers, The Daylight Savings Demons strikes tonight!

  1. American’s are soft lazy pussies. ONE HOUR of “lost” sleep has everyone pissing their pants and bitching. Yet the same whiny assclowns will happily jump on a plane to Europe or Hawaii and suffer massive jet lag. Useless nimrods.

  2. You are(same as here) thexrayboy over at Midwest Chick. Your comment is damn near dead on , the sentence structure and syntax is the same. Same applies over here, you need to moderate your tone(attitude) or I will do for you.

    From Midwest Chick:
    March 8, 2025 at 6:26 pm

    People bitch about a one hour time change yet happily hop on a plane and fly to Europe or Hawaii and subject them selves to jet lag of several hours. Americans are pussies. Can’t handle something as innocuous as a one hour time change….because they didn’t CHOOSE it.

  3. About 20% of Americans are sleep deprived with real physical consequence. The time change messes up biorythms. I’ve heard it was originally done to help farmers, but my cows don’t read a clock, nor do the chickens. They follow the sun. Same for me really. I was waking at 4 a.m., now 5 a.m. DST does not good and disrupts sleep. Back when I had to commute, I had to commute into sunrise twice a year instead of once a year. End the madness.

    If Trump ends DST he will deserve a third and fourth term and his likeness on Mount Rushmore. Well, he already met that bar, but you know what I mean.

  4. Most say this is a 50/50 issue. Some like it some hate it. Here is an idea. This fall we can just fall back 30 minutes and leave it alone then. Piss off both sides!

  5. At this point I don’t care where it stops, just as long as it does.

    And interesting to know that xrayboy is a sock puppet for Dan.

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