13 thoughts on “Rehashing Recent Events At Casa Busted

      • The best use for your gear will be to recreate gun parts that become unobtainable after restrictions are imposed on you.
        I gotta say, Phil, it was a disappointment when you started producing videos. Up pops this middle-aged fellow with a correctly modulated voice, when after I’d been exposed to your writing, I was expecting something like the embodiment of an R-rated Yosemite Sam type character!
        If you’re forced to make any blood sacrifices during recording, please don’t self-censor just to keep the tranny fags st YouTube happy.

        • “R-rated Yosemite Sam type character”

          Apparently you’ve never seen pics of Phil posted on these pages. R-rated, well no.

          The rest a definite yes.

          • Having read Phil’s posts for years, I sort of expected a cross between Yosemite Sam and the SASS mascot Evil Roy, but with Tourette’s syndrome as well. But he wasn’t even packing a pair of sixguns, not unless they were hiding under a shop rag somewhere.

  1. Just a suggestion, you might want to try dietary changes to help with your medical issues. I’ve found that it has helped me with some pretty severe problems. Dr Ken Berry on You Tube might be worth your while, at least dietary changes don’t cut you up or have nasty side effects

  2. sounds like you have a damn good reason to go out on SSD.
    did you file yet ? one thing, get a good lawyer for it. the most they can get is 6 grand out of the money you get, I think it is pro rated but I not sure.
    after fighting with SSD for 2 years, I broke down and got a lawyer.
    still ended up going to court over it. I thought I was going to get fucked again as the judge looked like she was getting madder by the minute.
    she was mad alright. not at me, but at them for fucking around with me for so long.
    and Phil, you might as well go out on SSD. before they give it all away to the illegals. and yes, you did steal that machine. I paid 995 plus tax for mine back in 1980 and it came with a so-so drill vise. mine is a Jet -15

  3. Phil the thief strikes again! That’s a great buy – now you’ve got to find a use for it before the memsahib gets suspicious and realises just how much you’ve spent!

    Good luck with the medics. The health industry – on both sides of the lake -produces an uneven spread of wonders and horrors: here’s hoping yours are good’uns.

  4. Yeah, you did steal it. I assume the wife has calmed down by now. It’ll sell for at least double what you payed. I wish I had a machine like that – and a place to put it, which I don’t. Theoretically, I have access to machining 3 places, but only 1 in reality, and the mill there is way past its prime.

    It’s crazy how long it takes to get through the processes for medical issues. I have no advice, because I don’t know crap about that stuff, but I figure my day is coming. I just hope you can make it through to the point where you get some relief, and many more years to enjoy your garage.

  5. Heart surgery is expensive, 199K for the wife’s double bypass 8 weeks ago, 120K for my heart valve 5 yeaqrs ago. Don’t skip it. As for the Peripheral Artery Disease, that too is important!

    You’re a young’un, buddy. You’ll do fine.

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