I caught a couple of glimpses of this clumsy ass attempt by the Commies In Charge to sucker in the stupider ones still left amongst us to voluntarily, “Register Your Garden” and thought to myself that these rotten bastards are running right through the playbook.
I mean, come on!
Do they seriously think we can’t see what comes next?
So as I was skimming through some of my usual reads tonight, I skipped on over to COME AND MAKE IT, a U.S. Expat over in the Philippines trying to make a go of it and he was kind enough to post this graphic.

Apparently it came from The Ice Age Farmer, someone else you should maybe be paying attention to eh?
Juuust in case there is some poor fool that wanders in here and can’t figure out why this is such a BAD IDEA, allow me to instruct you to STUDY THE HISTORY OF COMMUNISM FOR FUCKS SAKE!
I have said repeatedly that FOOD IS THE COMMUNIST’S FAVORITE WEAPON.
True to form, they are currently using it as one all around the world.
I haz a sad for you Commie Asswipes,
Unfortunately, I lost all my gardens in a tragic canoe accident last year.

The links are taking me to my draft Blogger site…Does that mean that I’m the Ice Age Farmer. That would make me waaaay cooler that I actually am.
BTW, the BI in FortuneCookieBI.com is for Business Intelligence.. Again, not cool enough for the other kind of BI.
This is another level of strange. All 4 links take me to my draft blogger page also.
I copy pasted the whole thing from my Blogger site, The Vulgar Curmudgeon.
Lemme edit them.
OK, I went back and fixed all the links.
Thanks for the heads up.
Good to know that I can copy an entire blog post from here and paste it to Blogger but it doesn’t work the other way.
My garden is located at #1 vinyard fitch road St.Helena California. Everyone is welcome to have some of the peoples grapes…
Is that like swatting Exile?
swineing actually
Looks like they all work now. Thanks Phil.
Me too wtf?
Not just no, but hell no. Also, just fuck no. And by the way, they can kiss my lily white ass. Lily white ass, but I sport an oh so sexy farmers tan every summer. 😁Know your edible weeds- lambs quarters, purslane, chickweed, etc. Know your edible flowers- nasturtium, violets, pansies, etc.
WTF. and no. I am not going to tell them anything. and you are right about using food as a weapon. it is the one thing that will break the best of men. food for his kids. and they know that too. might be good idea to plan on or put in a few extra
beds for growing food. maybe help a neighbor or two to do the same.
if nothing else, put in a few new beds and start filling them with leaves and compost for next season. this is starting to look like someone idea of a plan to rule over all of us. really, if you can get out of the cities and away from the burbs too.
if you know of any farmers, family with land outside of the city limits
get on good terms at least. maybe go a help them out with some project they trying to do. maybe ask to start a garden there ?
this is getting really strange and dangerous anymore.
like what is next, checking to see who buys garden stuff too ?
“what is next, checking to see who buys garden stuff too ?”
Don’t give the stupid bastards any ideas.
I don’t have too. it seems like there a room of these assholes
thinking this shit up all on their own.
besides. at the small country store I go and buy stuff like this
I always pay in cash. nice folks there and cash means they don’t have to wait on the banks to get paid.
it pays to be on good terms with people like that.
The credit card co.’s already have that info. It’s called a merchant code, which is why they’re also now tagging gun shop and on-line ammo companies purchases.
Got seeds?
Wanting to ‘register’ private gardens wouldn’t surprise me at all.
First leftists are the epitome of control freaks they want to know
EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. And second, of course, doing
so would allow them to more easily identify who to steal food from
when it comes time to kill conservatives and feed their pet rioters.
And sadly, there will be plenty of morons who would actually go along
with this edict.
Good thing for them we aren’t cannibals.
Yep I will get right on that , I’m going to register my garden right after I register all o those guns lost in the tragic canoeing accident . I don’t see how having my garden pinpointed on a public map could be a bad idea in times of impending famine .
one reason why I have not gotten the trees trimmed back around here is sat mapping. my house is hidden very well by the damn trees here.
it is about the only good thing about the damn trees. cleaning the gutters is a full time job every year. a major pain in the ass too.
This. I deliberately build under trees and don’t trim too much of the canopy out because G(0)_(0)gle wants to have satellite capacity to update the world every five minutes or so. That’s their dream, but I think in the future they will settle for daily updates of farmland and hourly updates of cities.
They’ll use aircraft to locate unregistered gardens and punish the owner.
We let them get a foot in the door when we allowed them to register our whiskey stills.
Saw that yesterday, just more doom shit porn distraction. USDA responsible for most of the GIBSMEDAT nation.
Another play in the commie playbook is releasing criminals with no bail and releasing incarcerated convicts early. The commies in Russia did the same thing in 1919. Their twist back then was to then hire convicts as police officers reporting to the new regime. That’ll be coming here next, as if we need more thugs on the police forces.
If THAT happens it’ll be open season on police officers!
Sounds like an great opportunity to set the stage for an ambush.
“We’re with the Federal Garden Agency. We’ve noticed you’re buying many packets of seeds for corn, tomatoes, carrots. You’re NOT planning on feeding yourself, ARE YOU?!”
This is insanity from the Marxists, yet not unexpected.
Searched for it and found this link. Looks legit. Be sure to sign up comrad. /not
Bride found the same link – per the USDA, residential gardens are not eligible to be listed.
Listing criteria: must benefit the community, work collaboratively, incorporate conservation practices and educate the public. Listed gardens show up on an interactive map.
Currently a big nothingburger – started with presumably good intentions years ago, and just expanded nationwide, still only for public-facing gardens. Doesn’t mean that won’t change.
Someone is pushing another distraction. Are they trying to cover up something else or cause us to distrust our alternative news sources?