10 thoughts on “Reason #34,560,987 for not getting a tetanus vaccination.

  1. Last one I got was in 2018….been sick ever since, some mysterious autoimmune crap. May a thousand camel fleas infest their nether regions, and their arms shrink to six inches length to prevent scratching.

  2. Throughout the course of my life, I’ve had at least six, more probably seven or eight. Two of those came when I was in the Navy during my a little over three year hitch. Two more in the last fifteen or so years, getting health care through the VA. I got my last one, ever, two years ago. At 77, I think I’ve had enough.

  3. Tetanus booster every 10 years? Growing up in Miami it was every time you got cut badly enough to get it stitched. Then it was if you had one in the last year, it’s still good. Nowadays, I think it’s anytime you’re in the ER with something bleeding.

    Never heard that stuff about dying within minutes of stepping on a rusty nail, though. Just that the common name for tetanus is lockjaw which sounds pretty nasty and back when they started giving the shots the death rate plummeted. I think the disease kills like 30 people in the US per year.

  4. I had a patient once about 50 years ago with tetanus. He died. But getting to death was a horrible experience. If you could have seen his journey, you would beg for a tetanus injection.

  5. I’m 75 and have had several Tetanus vaccinations in my life. Long ago I heard of tetani spasms and they do sound horrible. That @awakened USA is through Telegram which follows the laws of England. The English gov’t is an oppressive government so I will not download Telegram.

  6. Long ago my Doc said once no one has died from tetanus in a long time. I still got the shot but looked it up. Ghastly death but that was long ago. No way I will ever get it again or any other since the convid Boolshit

  7. Those of us who have been in healthcare for DECADES have personally seen patients suffering from tetanus. Late stage tetanus is untreatable and generally fatal. The tetanus vaccine easily and reliably prevents this fate. Now is it possible that evil unscrupulous people have adulterated the vaccine with other substances? Yes. But the vaccine used decades ago was safe and effective.

  8. Hmm. Up until a few years ago, I would routinely get vaccinated for whatever, thinking that it was low-risk protection against various diseases. Especially after being in the service where you get a bunch of vaccinations when you come in, and then periodically during your service and before each overseas deployment. Not so much after the whole covid thing.

    So now I’m suspicious of vaccines etc but during an annual check up, the question of tetanus vaccination/booster. I couldn’t remember whenever the last one was, per my Dr’s records it was at least 10+ years. So remembering the rusty nails and other stuff out there in the woods, I got a tetanus booster. That didn’t go well, I had an unpleasant couple of days vaccine reaction that did finally go away but for a couple of days I was laid out, 100+ fever and now I know what soaking night sweats are since this booster gave me those too.
    I was told by some that tetanus vaccination isn’t as important now b/c tetanus is readily treatable, I dunno, I’m reading enough in the comments here that makes me think it was probably a good thing to get a tetanus booster anyway.
    I have also read/been told that the older you get (I’m 58) the more likely you are to have a vaccine reaction and maybe it’s good to get vaccinated sparingly as a senior citizen, save the vaccinations for the most critical disease threats. ?

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