Read It And Weep Libtards And New World Order Types

This is literally just the beginning.

I have said repeatedly that the pendulum always swings both ways.

German, French far-right gains offer signs of shifting tone in E.U. Parliament vote

Opinion polls predict the pro-European liberals and Greens will lose seats as climate change takes back seat to migration concerns.

(My Bold)

Check it, that’s NBFuckingC news too.

I bet it killed ’em to print that,

That little Shitweasel Macron in France got crushed by a two to one margin.

France’s Macron Dissolves National Assembly After Le Pen Victory in European Vote

Marine Le Pen’s far-right party handily beat Emmanuel Macron’s party in European Parliament elections

Macron dissolves the French parliament and calls a snap election after defeat in EU vote

You can be sure there is more coming.

People all around the world have fucking HAD IT with these fuckers and are pissed CLEAR the fuck off now.


Add Belgium to this list.

Belgium’s Anti-Trump Prime Minister Resigns After Suffering Right Wing Election Victory

12 thoughts on “Read It And Weep Libtards And New World Order Types

  1. Doubt they’ll take it laying down or accept their loss.
    These people hate us and want us dead. Those feelings just multiplied/magnified. Might be the time for seeing some really evil things coming from them.

    • the “left’ has never given up power without a fight. NEVER.
      so, remember that. they will start WW3 and burn the whole place to the ground if they can’t rule. yes, RULE. they do not want to just govern, but to rule over us. think of life and death power over us.
      kind of like the kings of old. if you are not armed yet, you better get something and ammo as you going to need it here soon enough.
      hope like hell that I am wrong about this. but it doesn’t look good
      for the short/long term here.
      this kind of makes me think it is why the poking the bear like they are now. when you think about it, is just fucking insane !
      I don’t know, but maybe they think they can “win” a nuke fight with Russia ? and they be able to stay in power here forever ?
      doesn’t make any sense to me what they doing now.

      • Sadly, I agree Dave. When On 15 May 2024, Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico was shot up some thought for opposing the war in Ukraine, I knew that diplomacy and “rule of law” was dead.

        Little Napoleon Macron is important in keeping the proxy war in Ukraine alive in the EU.

        If they cannot “Fix” the Selection of World Economic Fourm Macron they will destroy Le Pen like Fico.

        Keep an eye on Hungary the open defiance of the WEF’s intent to destroy Russia then China cannot be allowed.

        “An evil enemy will burn his own nation to the ground… to rule over the ashes” — Sun Tzu

        The radicals pendulum is swing wildly and starting towards normalcy. They will fight it tooth and nail.

        If you think the “Mostly peaceful but fiery protests” were bad…..

        Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves. Protect your trusted family and trusted friends. Far more valuable in shitty times than gold.

        • Yup. I come from a family of these types. As does my wife. They just keep pushing and pushing and pushing until something breaks…and when it gives…it’s never THEIR fault!!! They broke their own families up and shredded them. They’ll do it to their nations without a second thought.

          What our countries need is another Unabomber. Or a functional judiciary…

    • Huh. I wrote this (elsewhere) just this morning, in reference to Rotherham.

      “No few of the “elite” purely Hate you. And they don’t “want you dead” as the meme goes. They want you humiliated, terrorized, and utterly demoralized. Because they revel in human suffering. And no, some inbred mostly German git isn’t at the top of the “elite” heap in the UK.”

      Who’s at the top of the heap? Who was poking his finger into the chest of the inbred git.

  2. All it means is they didn’t cheat hard enough. What? You don’t think they cheated in their last elections where, just like here, polls showed right wing candidates in solid control prior to the election? Then, when the votes were tallied, the left remained in power and even gained seats? Guess what the common denominator between the two elections is? It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes that matters.

  3. If (((they))) are allowing this or if (((they))) know they can’t cheat enough to stop it, then (((they))) are getting ready to collapse the world economy and blame it on the right.

  4. “Far right” LOL!
    that’s like .004” left of center in blue US states.
    Hardly conservative.

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