
“Why, you may take the most gallant sailor, the most intrepid airman or the most audacious soldier, put them at a table together– what do you get? The sum of their fears. –Winston Churchill

[T]he two contenders met, with all their troops, on the field of Camlan to negotiate. Both sides fully armed and desperately suspicious that the other side was going to try, some ruse or stratagem. The negotiations were going along smoothly until one of the knights was stung by an asp and drew his sword to kill the reptile. The others saw the sword being drawn and immediately fell upon each other. A tremendous slaughter ensued. The chronicle … is quite specific about the point that the slaughter was excessive chiefly because the battle took place without preparations and premeditation. -Herman Kahn, On Thermonuclear War

7 thoughts on “Quotes.

  1. The opening part of the late Tom Clancys ‘Sum of all fears’. A great book and an abortion of a film.

  2. yup. we have the most stupid blind assholes running this country.
    and they are wanting to go to war. funny thing, they will not be fighting it. we will.
    I wonder when people will ever realize the problem is with the clowns in charge
    and not the people the clowns don’t like this time.
    people in Europe are waking up to this even now. but here ?
    not yet. and with what they done to the military, the kids will not have a chance in hell of coming home alive. there is no reason in hell why we have boots on the ground anywhere over there. and no reason to send all the money and weapons either. this shit is worse than the arms of Krupp.

  3. Well, between our retarded (p)Resident Poopy Pants and Vlad the Impaler, it only takes one misstep and we all get the participation trophy for Nuclear War.

    Ain’t it grand?!?

  4. It almost happened during the bay of pigs. Thankfully a Russian sub commander thought better.

    Jesus is coming, so maybe yes.

    Tom Clancy was a great author, read most of his early works. Was amazingly prescient with his plots emulating future occurrences.

    • I also read all of the ones he wrote himself. Imagine putting all of that together from publicly available sources. Course the DOJ, even back then, wanted to try him as a spy for … wait for it … Russia. Nothin’s new under the sun, except these days they’ve upped the anti to everyday people who oppose them.

      Can you say KGB or Stasi or Gestapo?

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