Quite Possibly The Most Important And Informative Post You Will Ever See About How Our Intelligence Agencies Got Weaponized And Completely Took Over Our Government

Want to know why Congresscritters are so compromised and deaf to our pleas?

Why the very obviously treasonous ones never get punished?

How this whole LAWFARE bullshit got started?

How they stole our last several elections?

How they got away with the Trump Russia. Russia, Russia ruse?

This and MUCH MUCH more is very carefully laid out and explained by the incomparable Sundance over at The Last Refuge.

Be warned, this is a DEEP DIVE into our complex political system and how it is laid out and how it has been completely taken over by the Intelligence Community, by design and over a long period of time.

It is a long read and it will require thinking on your part. My eyes glazed over a few times but I shook it off and re-read what I had to so I could digest it all.

I’ll give you a teaser, the names Barak Obama and Eric Holder are intimately linked to it all.

7 thoughts on “Quite Possibly The Most Important And Informative Post You Will Ever See About How Our Intelligence Agencies Got Weaponized And Completely Took Over Our Government

  1. These fags live somewhere! The last grinder drop shows us who these fucks truly are…find their supers and go up the ladder..it’s the only way from here on in.

  2. I’m going to read that entire story. Eyes immediately locked on this :

    “We begin….

    ‘In April of 2016, the FBI launched a counterintelligence operation against presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

    Yep! The moment they knew Hillary’s coronation was in doubt,

  3. Sundance and the Treehouse are great. But for a deep dive into weaponized intelligence agencies you need to follow Anonymous Conservative. I read it for several months before I stopped shaking my head at half of it. And a lot longer until I could see. But seeing the surveillance just as he described certainly helped.


  4. I’ve been reading the https://theconservativetreehouse.com/ since the saint travon.

    Taking a first look at the deep dive has to be overwhelming. But this is what it takes, more and more people realizing that we are being taxed, abused and sold by evil people and the demons that possess them.

    Seeing time and time again, the 2 sided sword of the justice system, again and again and again. Realizing that no matter what they will do their utmost best to steamroll over anyone that gets in their way and/or speaks about it.

    The tentacles are everywhere, in everything.

    Once you accept that, you can accept what is coming next. The battle of evil and good is coming. Prepare yourselves and brace for impact.

  5. Thanks for the reference Phil. I read Sundance occasionally, just not a daily follow, and I will definitely put this on the must read list.
    TINVOWOOT certainly applies here. “Mordor on the Potomac” will have to burn to end it all, and there is little I can do about it. I will, as always, focus on my local environment and what I can do about it.

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