12 thoughts on “Putting an End To This “Threat To Democracy” Bullshit

  1. My brother from a different mother! You are always welcome in my home to break bread and rest.

    • No, they’re covered there, he should be in a black college to make more like him

  2. I hope this guy has a large following in the black community. His voice is needed there.

  3. Such a well spoken man. Intelligent people are a pleasure to listen to, when people are willing to listen. There are too many of his level of intelligence that are not vocal, because they are in a wasteland of morons, and have tired of no one listening.

  4. Awesome. Simple, direct language without hysterics. Well done, my fellow American.

  5. Sorry, but he is not right.
    A constitutional republic still goes through a process of voting – those representatives that are trying to propose, and enact, laws, ordinances etc, as representatives of people’s will, still have to go through a voting process.

    Constitutional republic and democracy are not orthogonal to each other. One is a prerequisite for the other.
    A constitution does grant indisputable, non-negotiable, non-veto-able, inalienable rights, which indeed are not subject to a “democratic voting process”. But the rest does pass through such voting process.

    The guy is inexact and incomplete, at best.

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