13 thoughts on “Puts me to sleep…

  1. I’ve been under a silver tin roof for 16 years and the sound is no diff than any other kind of roof. It’s a trussed roof with R30 insulation, over my office and workshop. Frankly, it doesn’t even need to rain for me to tilt back in the chair and nod out and wake up an hour later with a puddle of drool on the front of my shirt.

  2. ’66 RVN after wearing a sweaty, sticky panucho for 3 days… lit the jp3 in the quonset hooch… lay back on the nasty canvas and slept never hearing any of the others dropping their packs, weapons. Only thing that came close was the field tent in the monsoon… wife could never figure out how the rain on the tent could knock me out

  3. Love the sound of rain on an old tin roof! At our previous property, we had an outbuilding with a metal roof, no insulation and metal laid straight on the roof trusses. During a heavy downpour, I would run out to that building just to partake of the music from the gods.

  4. Yes, or on the roof of a caravan or a tent. At the other end of the scale there’s the silence of a snowfall. I’m zzzing just mentioning them!

  5. …and then you hear the drip-drip-drip inside and know you have a leak.

    Yeah, MY turn to be a buzzkill.

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