Puddles Pity Party

Sent to me by my friend Irish, He’s crapping out early tonight and suggested I post it.

He sent it via text and I started listening to it on my phone but stopped and looked it up on my laptop so I could listen to it with my head phones on.

Holy cow what a HUGE difference!

If you have them handy, I highly recommend listening to this with them on..

War Pigs, unplugged

Performed by Puddles The Clown.

7 thoughts on “Puddles Pity Party

  1. Great tune! And I always appreciate some good piano playing. Might try to replicate that on my piano.

  2. I enjoyed this “unplugged” version. Very different. Oh, and Phil. Thank you for reacquainting me with the band Zebra from a few months ago.

  3. Outstanding. It’s truly amazing how good songs are in various cover formats. Tried to add it to my phone but sound hound could not find it to download.

  4. I hate clowns but I loved his performance. He would be even better with out the clown bs, I get the irony……..I hate clowns!

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