6 thoughts on “PSA, No Bullshit anymore!

  1. That will take all the FUN and convenience of cheating electronically, so I don’t think the Democraps will go for it.

  2. Election integrity is one issue that should have been addressed and concreted in 1980 or so, although to do so would have required a considerable fight against the Bush cartel and the CIA. In light of the fantastical inroads that the communists have made in the FUSA in the last twenty years, I believe that that ship has long since sailed. The history books suggest that the totalitarianism we face looking forward will be filled with deprivations and poverty, humiliations, degradations and much blood and death. To resist the totalitarians and destroy the communist hold on this country will be equally bloody and deadly. That’s what the history books point to at any rate. A peaceful and just future for our children was lost years and years ago. Now we see this before us.

  3. Yeah, OK.
    They cheated 1 and 3 years ago and won. What makes you think they either won’t do it again or they’ve improved their cheating game since then.
    Anyone that thinks we can “fix this” is a special kind of retarded asshole.

    • yeah, right. I used to live in philly. I don’t think there has been a “fair and true” election there in over 50 years. and after seeing the last 2
      elections in the state of PA. I think the whole state is fucked beyond
      fixing anymore. there is only one way left to “fix” the mess we have
      now. and it not going to be pretty.
      I hate even looking at what passes for “news” anymore.
      it all bullshit and lies. and to think people believe that Trump will
      win in 2024 is insane. never going to happen if the “state” actors have anything to say about it. think about how Michael Collins
      brought about change in his country. it will be what we are going to have to do here to change things.

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