7 thoughts on “PSA, ASP

  1. Paper ballots are a good idea. Hand counting all ballots is nuts. It would be much more expensive and take a lot longer, possibly weeks, to get them all counted in a presidential election year.
    Hand counting paper ballots can be useful in a close race where a recount is needed. It’s also is a good way to test the accuracy of the counting equipment.

  2. Besides those arguments, it’s too late. The cheaters who want the machines and mail-in ballots have been working on this for years. They’re way, way ahead of us. There’s not enough time to put this in place for November, with the opposition there will be.

    Did you see that movie 2000 Mules out in ’22 about the 2020 election? Immediately attacked by the left wing media. All about how something like 2000 people stuffing mail in ballots could swing a nationwide election. Every so often we see a report about some flunky being arrested for stuffing ballot boxes, but not as often as we see reports of counties with more votes counted than residents.

  3. not to mention that there are people voting quien no pueden leer inglés, but having a driving license in their state of reisdence, they’re registered..

  4. While it’s easier to cheat with electronic/mail in ballots many an election has been stolen while using the old style paper ballots. What REALLY matters is who is in charge of counting those paper ballots. Which is why in America most county clerks and secretary of states are demonrats. THEY control who does the counting and how it’s done.

  5. there has not been a president voted in since the 50s. they have been installed.
    i still vote regardless, to make my voice count and to respect those who have died for our country and our rights. never forget what those men and women did for us so that we can have that right. they gave everything for us.

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