15 thoughts on “PSA

    • Yeah, I’m an old fucker & it’s was gone before I
      was born. They just haven’t had the 2×4 of reality
      smack them between the eyes, yet.

    • It’s not stolen. Humans cannot steal from animals. A beekeeper does not steal honey from bees. A dairy farmer does not steal milk.

      As a humanoid-looking animal (without a soul) I’m privileged to serve actual human beings. Otherwise what reason would I have to exist? G-d made me to be the tool of His People.

      • I felt the same, I serve. That is been co-opted. Rare to hear a doc say that. In all my experience that wasn’t the motivating principal after graduating and awarded that MD after their name. I felt they saw dollar signs.

  1. Have to agree it’s lost. BUT, there will be a resurgence; I have to believe that. We are looking at rough times that a lot of us won’t survive but we have to try and nurture the dumbyunguns and guide them through the narrow window of intelligence.

  2. And they will complain with irritation that no one tried to tell them, when they couldn’t be bothered to actually look at Reality. Fuckers.

    • How can they look at reality? For the most part, America is populated by shambling, texting, slack-jawed, mouth-breathing, brain-dead, vaping, BARBIE-loving Mall Zombies. It started in the 1970’s, with obsessive celebrity-worship, rampant political corruption, and a falling away from Biblical teaching. The Kennedy Assassination triggered it and Rowe v. Wade put the icing on the cake.
      I watched it all from the sidelines as a Peace Officer in SoCal. As soon as I had enough money in the medical trust fund to cover my wife’s disabilities, I exited. First to the Oregon Coast and now to Winterfell (North ID). We and ours keep prepping, STFU, and wait for this corrupt, syphilitic-thinking country to go full Weimar. Bleib ubrig,

  3. The 2020 election fraud was for me the very end of even pretending there was a chance for any solution. It’s over. I think I’m just going to vote for Democrats from now on just to see if I can help get it all burned down faster. The sooner we scrap whats left of the USA the sooner we can start rebuilding.

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