10 thoughts on “PSA

  1. It takes a LOT of fuel, parts, manpower, and time to keep a military airplane in the air. Oh, and pilots. Qualified pilots. Same thing with tanks and their crews.

    If you start running out of ANY of them your shiny fighters and armored vehicles are lawn ornaments.

  2. Within 24 hours, the people that actually make things “work” in this country could walk off the job and bring this country to a complete standstill. Within a week, the cities would be completely out of food and fuel.
    It’s not just the complex systems. Everything is now logistically run on a “just-in-time” delivery schedule, with the slightest hiccup having the potential to cause riots.
    It stops when we say it stops.

  3. Yes, even to the point made about JIT (Just In Time) systems for manufacturing or such. I’ve listened to many people panicking over a missing part, forgetting to order parts, forgetting to schedule in the labor side of the equation. It’s weird that all the MBA folks out there don’t get taught how bad Murphy hates everyone. Government is even worse. I have begun to believe that even if digital currency is tried there will be some knucklehead figure out how to more creatively counterfeit it (hacking) as if that isn’t already happening.

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