6 thoughts on “Proof has surfaced Filthie has suffered since a nerd boy. He rather wanted the spanking I heard.”
And so it was that I learned to kill in utter silence…
Oh, I hope you are threatening me, I love threats… Massive chili, asparagus, broccoli, beer duel at 4 paces. May the winner survive the ambulance trip to the detox center.
Glen, I didn’t know they used my picture in the story, sorry.
If this is his condition, “need gas? eat beans” is not a phrase he should use. Literally. With or without a spoon.
Learn tp properly masticate your food.
Cederq, think yourself lucky that Guido has yet to figure out how to make a text-to-talk phone call, otherwise the SPCA will receive an anonymous animal cruelty report the very next time that you decide to polish off a whole can of baked beans while she’s under the table. The poor bloody dog, it’s no wonder that Chihuahuas are such bad-tempered little shitheads, being forced to live in a cloud of colourless, but not odourless, gas the whole day long.
And so it was that I learned to kill in utter silence…
Oh, I hope you are threatening me, I love threats… Massive chili, asparagus, broccoli, beer duel at 4 paces. May the winner survive the ambulance trip to the detox center.
Glen, I didn’t know they used my picture in the story, sorry.
If this is his condition, “need gas? eat beans” is not a phrase he should use. Literally. With or without a spoon.
Learn tp properly masticate your food.
Cederq, think yourself lucky that Guido has yet to figure out how to make a text-to-talk phone call, otherwise the SPCA will receive an anonymous animal cruelty report the very next time that you decide to polish off a whole can of baked beans while she’s under the table. The poor bloody dog, it’s no wonder that Chihuahuas are such bad-tempered little shitheads, being forced to live in a cloud of colourless, but not odourless, gas the whole day long.