11 thoughts on “Pretty Much Covers it

    • Yes! But where was she wrong. The oligarchy strip mined the lower classes out of jobs and a future, then turned to the middle class.
      How many in this reading audience are just waiting for the shooting to start. She may be annoying but I wear that hat myself. When the ball drops I would prioritize a fine rifle shot over a lot of other things in a woman.

      Honey, you come to my place when the food riots start

      • She was wrong when she complained about how bad the government is, while on the other hand wanting the government to regulate wages. She’s talking out of the two sides of her face and only using half her brain.

        • Her eyes are beginning to open, so that’s a positive. She just needs further clarification, but she is likely ABLE to learn, while millions continue to be unteachable/unreachable. But yes, government IS the root of all problems, and should NEVER be looked upon for solutions…to problems THEY CREATED.

  1. Meanwhile she’s buried under an inch of paint ,
    Bitch, bring the table next time.

  2. Yay, she got some valid points.  However, I can also understand where some of the others are coming from.  Sweetie, you need to wash your face, lay off the botox, and stop injecting your lips and body with junk if you are going to complain about the price of living because you look like a hypocrite with the way you look.

  3. She’s crazy and has completely contradicted herself. She complains that the Govt. won’t regulate a living wage and then complains about what the Govt. has been doing. Just another bloviating windbag that has no idea what they’re saying or talking about.

  4. So… the short answer is, she brings to the table a permanent bitch-resting face? Pass.

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