Pretty Accurate Actually

I get this bigly.

Even though I am technically a Boomer because I was born in 1960, the actuality of it is, is that I grew up as an OG Gen X’er.

Latchkey kid, my parents split for the 3rd time and for good when I was 8 years old. My Dad got custody of me and my little brother which was unheard of back in those days and for a couple months after my Mom left, I had to take care of not only myself but my 4 year old little brother. Dad went to work, and more of then than not, went to a tavern after work. He tried hiring a couple of ladies to take care of us but they didn’t last long. I had to feed both of us, do the laundry, make sure my little brother took baths, the whole nine yards, until the rest of the family found out what was going on and they arranged to have my Aunt come take care of us.

Shortly after that point the Gen X’ers were starting school and I lived through everything they did, just a bit older and wiser.

So yeah, I can absolutely identify with this.

28 thoughts on “Pretty Accurate Actually

  1. I’ve sent ten messages to the address you posted:
    Phil@BustednucklesDOT COM.
    and everyone of them has bounced.
    Please send your snail mail addy to “bill99203 at” so I can make a donation.
    Ignore the address in my login please.

    • Dude, that’s not my real email address.
      The original goal of 900 dollars got blown through the morning after I put up the post so there is no need for anyone to send anymore money. As a matter of fact, I’m positive that when I get a final tally that there will be enough to pay for two years of hosting.
      I would like to thank you for trying to help out but at this point it is not necessary and I don’t want to take peoples money for no reason.

      • Sure, now you tell us not to send any money .

        Phil, you really ought to let people show you how much they care about you. When we are as spread out geographically as far as we are, sometimes money is one way we can show we care.

        From my own perspective, who cares if you get enough help for one, two or three or more years. People are only going to help as much as they can. I personally like knowing you are going to be around online for longer.


        • I tried to let people know that I had reached my goal the very next morning after my original plea for help.

          As for the extreme generosity of people wanting to help and continuing to send money, I try to be a stand up guy. I really don’t want to take peoples money for no good reason.
          Even of it is coming from good intentions.
          Times are tough all over. As long as I can get by, I am good.

          • Use any spare money to buy junk and tell us all about it on the blog.

            Sheesh! Do you need to be prodded into doing this???? >};oD

          • Wasn’t trying to neglect you CederQ, it was more of blog staying around comment and I do appreciate you efforts here on the part of Phil and all of us.


  2. Conversely…which gen raised gen y??? Which gen allowed the creep into our schools, every branch of gov etc??? Which gen sat idly by and did NOTHING as they voted for “the lesser evil”??? Answer: it is ALL OF US COLLECTIVELY!!!

    “So yeah, I can absolutely identify with this.”
    Ya might want to rethink that…otherwise yer just another low IQ fool my friend…prove me wrong!!!

    • Trip, it’s cute that you still think the fixed voting sessions we went through mattered to the final outcomes for their selected grifters getting installed. We get everything (OK, most) just like we got the Federal Reserve System (1913), with skulduggery.
      WE didn’t do nothing, we were just naive and thought the system was legitimate. EVERYBODY, until recently, Got ALL their steaming crock of lies from the evening news and news papers. SELECTED news is just propaganda. Welcome to Oceania. WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AT WAR WITH EASTASIA!

      • Agree. I used to say this is all my fault because I voted in every election, but now I’m thinking my vote didn’t count. I was taught to respect and believe in the government. I had plenty of clues, but it took a long time to break through, I was focused on work and family. My mother is pre-Boomer and she still trusts the government. It is amazing, but she get’s her news from the TV every night at 5pm.

      • Don’t forget income tax in 1913 as well Tree, Wilson screwed everybody and the law for the Fed that asshole signed on Christmas Eve

        • Agreed. This was all a done deal long before Gen X was thought of.
          Not a reason to give up, or give in, but more a reason why it never mattered at all.
          All the better to understand the stakes.

      • @Mike “…you still think the fixed voting sessions we went through mattered to the final outcomes…”
        You’ve made a poor assumption with this claim as I’m quite aware how the “system” works. This is why I rarely comment anymore due to many folks making claims without any facts or mathematics as their basis!!!

        When I said “it is ALL OF US COLLECTIVELY!!!” I spoke FACT!!! Proof? No prob. It’s common knowledge that congress, particularly the House, owns the purse strings correct? Sorry but that’s NOT entirely true due to the fact that the House purse strings are literally a subset of the true ownership of the purse strings!!! WE the people own said purse strings!!! If we the people collectively do a tax strike, meaning no work = no tax receipts, then the bs stops cuz there’s no funding the public sector. And that’s the 100% legal/peaceful option we the people have!!! And NO, they can’t just “print more money” due to the fact that gov cannot even service the debt they have now. The printing presses have stopped and ZIRP has halted so there won’t be any significant rate drops by the fed or we get hyperinflation and they know this will be a gov destroyer.Will we the people collectively do such a tax strike? Nope…so now you see my op had nothing to do with voting but rather how we raise the next gen? You do realize gen y MUST participate in said tax strike?

        • Quitch your bitchin at people here, when the time comes those of us left will be the first in line

    • You have to be low IQ to think that Gen X birthed the Millenials lol. Hello? Boomer right?

  3. Same here. I was born in ’59. Mom was 15. Boy could she Boom.
    Parents split when I was 4 or 5. Mom took us to Assachussetts, (from OK)
    That didn’t go well, at all.

  4. Born in 59 myself so I can relate. As if they would even DARE elect one of us CURMUDGEONS.

  5. I’ve been saying, for quite a while, that what we’re seeing now is just a teaser for what’s coming. Each generation of kids comes up in a school system inoculated with the “expertise” of the one before, and it’s a postive feedback loop. I’m just barely younger than Phil, and got most of my education from public schools. It was pretty good, compared to the present, but I’ve realized that, particularly in areas of history and political philosophy, it was severely simplified, and filled with mythology. Yes, all cultures have their own mythos – it’s inevitable, and sure, you can’t really get too deep into things at the grade school level, but most people don’t go beyond that late in life, so the American story they learn as kids is what they stick with.

    And… what’s the “American story” being told in public schools today?

  6. And there’s this. GenX is a smaller generation, thanks to Roe v Wade. Many moms chose not to go through with it. I wonder what we lost with that? Many extraordinary achievers in history were “ unwanted “, but they got their chance and ran with it.

    Boomers were the last generation where almost everyone got to come in for a landing.
    I’m a 59er as well, so I’ve always gotten along better with gen-Xers than boomers. Better music, for sure.

  7. Dang, I haven’t heard the phrase “latchkey kid” in a long time. I grew up as one too.

    Dad was all in on me walking home from elementary school… until some naked guy started trying to kidnap little kids that were walking to said school. Took a few attempts before he was finally caught, but as I remember the fucker never succeeded in getting a kid.

  8. If voting made an diff it would be illegal! The bright side of getting old is that an life sentence doesn’t hold the same threat level it did when I was in my 20s and 40s! Adversity has been the Jesus Nut that holds me together, in other words, I’m comfortable with discomfort!

  9. I was born in 64. Originally Boomers were the children of the WW2 geneneration. My grandparents grew up in the Depression and fought WW2. My parents grew up in the 50s, Happy Days. They were the kids who later faced Vietnam. They had Elvis, Rock n Roll and the British Invasion.

    I grew up with food shortages, gasoline shortages along with odd/even rationing for gasoline. Instead of Muscle Cars, I had sad 4cylinder engines that couldn’t get out of their own way. No worry of a draft for me and in high school enjoyed the kick off of MTV. We had Pong and other early video games, though we still had the threat of nuclear war.

    In college my business classes called us the lost generation, Generation X. Overshadowed and overlooked by the giant Boomer generation. Want to make money, stay one step ahead of the Boomers. I’d get involved in elder care and mortuary services these days as one last chance to milk the Boomers.

    Some time after I grew up and struggled to find a good job because the Boomers were already employed everywhere, I ended up getting laid off every few years and starting over again. Eventually having lower seniority at the next place and always being first out the door. Never obtaining more than 2 weeks vacation. The worst insult was eventually being called a Boomer. One job I held for over 10 years, but that company spun my plant off. Then we got sold off. Finally I got contracted out, though they made me the contract employee. Within 6 months I left and secured a position at another company and went through the same process all over again. Instead of being a contractor, this time they just closed us down.

    It’s been a grand ride, but I’m Generation X to the core.

  10. Well…. don’t forget that the biggest political pussy in history was Gen-Xer Paul Ryan. As Speaker of the House, he blocked everything Trump wanted, starting with the Wall.

    I’m guessing it was because of a sex tape ‘they’ had on him, but nonetheless he was a pussy when it mattered.

  11. Same here. Born in 59 so technically boomer but identify more with the Xers. Raised in a broken home back before it was common, lots of younger siblings to help out with.
    It seems to me that everything in my life, socially, economically, culturally, has been F’d up by this huge Boomer population that I am in the trailing edge of. I with the Xers and am just ready to watch it all burn.

    • Maybe you might be more comfortable bitching over at Vox Day’s site, eh? Just so you know, I was born in 1958 and they didn’t have anything to do with it. Try looking further back to say, 1901 or so when Wilson and his jewish socialist, bolshevik trope of malcontents decide to create the fed reserve, income tax and sold us out to the vatican/rothschild cabal.

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