9 thoughts on “Preach It!

  1. For as long as the illegals have been flowing in, decades now, the people I’ve come across who hated it the most were the people who did it the right way. Filled out the papers, paid the money, and jumped through every hoop. Pay a ton of money, spend years doing it and meanwhile they let the illegals flood into the country.

  2. I was in Viet Nam with a guy from Nova Scotia who had spent several years trying to enlist into the United States Army so he could kill communists because they were against Christianity. I don’t remember looking for US citizenship but if he were, certainly he’d have deserved it, as compared with and contrasted to these free-loaders streaming in nowadays.

    And “Colonel” Murphy, if you’re by some small chance reading this, welcome home, brother. I haven’t forgotten.

    • He might be roof top Viet Namese or Cambodian, whatever, he’s welcome as my neighbor.

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