15 thoughts on “Powerful Surprise

  1. Dat boy is gonna need an long vinegar bath and burn his clothing! Well, stinky, you be walking home cuz ya ain’t gettn in my side by.

  2. It ain’t fun I can tell ya! After buying our 9 acre farm I was cleaning out the old barn. We had been at the place for about 3 months. There was a large stack of wood pallets stacked on edge in a dark corner of the barn. I commenced pulling the pallets out and going through them, if damaged went into one stack and good ones over in another. As I was getting close to the back I pulled out skanky one and it had a nest buried in it. To my my surprise two skunks hopped out and turned their backs to me before I could react and sprayed me full force, both hitting me in the chest… I did the same thing hacking and spitting and tearing up something awful and I was use to military CS gas as an MP I had to requalify every three months having it sprayed full on to the face. Skunk funk is twenty times ‘worse! My Queensland Heeler, loyal to a fault dog wouldn’t come close! I was glad I had my phone with me. I called my wife and had her go to the store and buy as much Dawn dish soap and white vinegar as she could find! I had to explain to her and she told her staff and I could hear the outrageous laughter from my wife and her staff. I stripped down to my skivvies and also called a buddy close by and he came over with his wife and they both commenced a laugh at my expense! I washed off as best I could with goat and equine shampoo as best I could. My dog still wouldn’t come to me… My buddy’s wife went in to the house and came out with an old work T-shirt and a pair of old cargo shorts and tennis shoes. My wife started scrubbing me down with Dawn and I mean scrubbed! It was so bad I had to sleep in a store room in another small barn which had electricity and a small bathroom. My buddy went home and found an old surplus cot in his stuff and an old sleeping bag I could use until I decanted. I couldn’t go into the house, I couldn’t go onto the 5th wheel or even drive my truck because of the smell and I was due to work the next day. I had to call my boss and explain to him I got hit. He said to stay home until the smell was gone. I still had a job. My wife had to cook dinner and bring it out and had to go to teh store and bought sandwich supplies and a toaster so I could have bagels or toast. I had a small refer out in the small barn, so I could have my coffee as she bought a cheap coffee maker to leave out there. I spent three weeks in barn purgatory until the smell dissipated. By buddy that loaned me the cot and bag, he told me to burn them and I also burned all the clothes and socks and undies I used during that time. I had bought a lot of fencing stock and I spent the three weeks building fence and I needed something, my buddy Carl had a small plumbing business and a small hardware store and would bring over anything I needed and billed me after he could get close. My dog did not sleep with me… My wife wouldn’t sleep with me. It took both about another week or two before they would let me get close.

    • Daayumm.. I’ve been glad I never got any of that,, now, even more so.
      I can’t imagine having to get shot in face Once with pepper spray. Every three months? Aww,Hayull Naw..

      • We also had to endure the military version of a Taser, the one civilian cops use are just ticklers. We had to do that twice a year.

  3. Dawn dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda worked to de-skunk our dogs when they got hit. You need to lift the oil and neutralize what is left on the skin.

  4. Both the dog and I got nailed a number of years ago…thank god it was a small one.. ended up throwing out all my clothes and a basically brand new Columbia winter jacket ($250!! – shit) and the dog got a bath in Dawn (this was on a rather cool March night in the driveway with me in my underwear) followed up with an emergency bath at the groomer… the Cabela’s customer service rep just laughed when I called and said nothing you can do but throw it out or leave it hang outside for about a year and even then it would probably still smell somewhat when damp

    • Look at it this way. Sure $250 used to be a lot of money, but today it’s a less than a half cart of groceries. Maybe two bags if you also buy some beer.

      Building back better!

      There used to be a little black cat who lived a couple houses down from us. Like the cat in those Pepe LePew cartoons. One summer night I came home from a run and saw the cat (I thought) sitting on my front porch. I approached the door, planning on giving kitty a scritch on the head. Just as I put my foot on the first step the tail came up. It wasn’t kitty! I think I levitated backwards about three yards. The skunk glared me down and would not vacate. I decided to go run another two miles. By the time I got back it had moved on.

  5. I watched a mature redtail hawk pick up a skunk, take it way up in the air and drop and then follow it down. I think he was just rying to kill it. Can you imagine sitting around a campfire and having a skunk fall out of the sky? I’ve seen it.

  6. Nuttin’ like a snootful of Butyl Mercaptate to ruin your day.

    The trick to decontamination is to neutralize the oils (using a surfactant like dishwashing soap) and then a weak acid (like table vinegar) to eat up what’s left. The remedy’s listed above work well. Peroxide I’ve never heard about, don’t know how effective it might be.

    We concocted butyl compounds in the chem lab, and there was one that was dubbed “Omega Skunk” – one drop would clear an entire building…
    It made the “natural’ stuff look like a walk in the park. Darned near got us banned from the lab. Can’t imagine why…………….

    Thems were the days!

  7. The myth that skunks need their feet on the ground to spray…they will spray if they want

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