20 thoughts on “Possible? Probable?

      • Growing up learning four languages spelling was drilled into me every day. Oh, I myself still try to not make any spelling mistakes, but that’s just a habit. But correcting other people’s mistakes, a lot of times from people for whom English is a second language? NO WAY.
        And then you of course now have spell checker and worst of all auto-correct, which caused a lot of laughter among my boys last month when I told them in a message that I was heading to —Ohio— in Hawaii for a week. 😍

        • I went to school in the 50s and 60s, where we had spelling bees every day. And don’t get me started on Mrs Wilson and her Grammer Hammer.

  1. I call bullshit. Cop is white. Not that white people can’t be traitorous shits, but They’ll have brown and black people in uniforms to do this.

  2. That’s so five years ago. The scamdemic is over. Now abusive police tactics and lawfare are aimed at critics of Old Sphincter Lips, Tesla or Israel.

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