13 thoughts on “Portland and Vancouver…

  1. As a result of some poor decisions, I lived in Vancouver for several years in the early 90s. I worked downtown doing overnight security, and from my building I could see clearly the surrounding streets and whatnot.
    The very first time it snowed, I was stunned by how quickly and to what degree the city shut down. No buses, no taxis, no Skytrain, no kidding. For less than an inch of wet(!) snow. Unbelievable. Back home in Ontario (north of Toronto, don’t get me started), we used to go out driving in that sort of shit for fun, FFS.
    One night during this event, I saw a guy in a Porsche go through the intersection sideways.. like 90 degrees to the long axis of the street. He had all four wheels locked and I guess he started braking too late…
    Behind him comes somebody in a gigantic Blazer, which took the corner at a run and drifted smoothly. I swear I heard a faint ‘yeehaw’ as they sped off.
    Stupid Vancouver. Never again.

  2. I have to laugh at the weather fear porn being broadcast on local and national news channels. On ABC News World News Tonight, Friday, it was THE LEAD STORY, like there’s nothing else going on in the world right now.

    Omg omg OMG it’s winter. It’s GONNA SNOW and be really Really REALLY cold like this has NEVER HAPPENED before in the history of man. It also shoots a big Big BIG hole in the glowbull warming narrative.

    Unreported except in a few non-mainstream places, the same thing is happening in mainland Europe, not just Scandinavia.

    Oh. Own an EV in the cold impact zone? Sucks to be you.
    Trying to charge your EV at 45 below zero(via CFP).

    The only upside to this is that the local TV station is featuring several female “meteorologists” which are a big improvement on the male “meteorologist” that usually reads the weather news. Although these females don’t meet the standard of the Latina weather girls from down south.


    • yeah, had a Latina girlfriend for a couple of years. was going to even get married too. not sure what happen but we did drift apart in time.
      that is one of the few things I do regret.
      and she was hot too, had a really good job and make good money
      more than me even back then. oh, well.
      last I heard, she still thinks of me fondly or so I was told.
      hell, even her cats liked me back then. the one brought me dead mice a couple of times.

  3. I don’t know about you, but I had a posi. Only way to put down power when you gotta a big 440 Magnum under the hood. Traction control was my right foot. The rare times we had snow, we went out for fun.

  4. I’ve told the tale before, but in the early ’70’s, I was at Univ. of Portland during an ice storm. I watched Tri-Met buses going sideways. We asked the Univ. President when he was going to close the school, and he decreed: “When Fred Meyer closes, so closes the University!” Freddy’s never closed.
    Our standing advice to anyone venturing out in this is always the same: “Watch out for idiots!”

  5. I don’t know for sure but I think those cars in that day and age could bounce off of each other with little or no damage. 🙂

    • It was at least a hell of a lot cheaper, and if we’d had enough to drink we didn’t really care.

  6. Shoot, last week the “experts” were predicting a really DRY winter.

    Then Old Man Winter got wind of it and bitchslapped ’em !!

    Y’know, most of us on here have seen this crap before – it’s cyclic, for Pete’s sake! Seen it MANY times, even. The weather “forecasters” are mostly young punks whom have never seen really bad, bad winters. BTDT.

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