10 thoughts on “Politically Correct? What is that?

  1. I have ALWAYS been politically correct. As a conservative that votes Republican or Independent (never Democrat), I am the very definition of politically correct.

    • If that is actually your perspective, instead of sarcasm, you have no place commenting here, see the pictures on the right sidebar, and have a good weekend.

        • Oh, it is as far a liberal site as you can throw your truck and spit after it. Grog, is a long time reader and very protective of this site. Just throw a salmon his way and it will quiet him down…

        • Nope, we that comment here are the direct opposite of libtards, and it would appear you have no idea what you are actually typing, if you think PC is conservative, have an excellent year, wanker.

    • This is some kind of Performance Art skit you two worked out beforehand, right?

      Okay, I’m going to be the autistic person to explain the joke because I’ve been taken in by the ruse. Sigh.

      Grog: OV50 is making a play on the term “politically correct” by pretending it means what the words actually mean: to have political views that are reasonable, smart, decent, maybe even honorable. In other words, actually Correct. He’s pretending to not understand that “politically correct” is used to mean stuff that is the opposite of good, decent, and correct.

      Sorry, oldvet50. Maybe you were waiting to see how long this would go on and if anyone else would pile on. Sorry for fucking up the joke. (I pulled something like that a few weeks ago. Got a couple of STRONG bites, then some helpful bastard cut the line by explaining it all. Today I’m that bastard. Sorry, but this shit is killing me.

      • Good morning, Mike, no, this was not a pre-arranged skit, and while I understand your explanation, I will not agree, because of how PC has been used over the last several decades the same way all the “woke” bullshit is more recently being used. If this was sarcasm, he should have used a better disclaimer, with all the fuckery that is occurring in politics that we are watching in real time. Have a good weekend.

    • I will send you some food for the weekend, no point in being hungry, although it may be cold when it arrives, chuckling

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