5 thoughts on “Phil’s new facebook and blog avatar…

  1. Hahaha! Welcome to Florida! I worked for the phosphate mining company, Mosaic, SE of Tampa. Can’t say I ever saw that, but I saw a bunch of gators hanging out around the equipment.

  2. Buddy of mine in south Loozy-anna had a gator crawl into the conveyor tunnel under his rice bins a while back. I asked, what did you do about it?

    Oh, we got him out, he said.

    Did you call the game warden?

    For what, he asked?

  3. I feel like that some days…is it still too early to choot da bastids? Asking for everybody.

  4. Yeah…. I have one about that size lives in the ponds in the community. Dumbasses here think, Gee nature is so beautiful… Damn thing is a hazard and SHOULD be removed.

    I suppose that might happen once one of these idiots gets got… or one of their doggos does.

    Thus far fortunately our BIG Wally seems to have retained his natural wariness of people. A couple of smaller ones not so much which tells me some of the geniuses around here have been FEEDING them.

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