9 thoughts on “Phil’s future dilemma…

  1. Ah, God’s got you covered.

    Seriously. Had a conversation with a priest about this. What comes out of your mouth isn’t what the deepest feelings inside of you are.

    God knows. After all, he’s got the patience to deal with all the leftist scum deniers and socialists of both varieties (national and international) and all the rest of the losers and freaks and geeks that test His patience.

    And cars? Must be the Devil’s work. That would explain why some jackass sticks the starter in some place that isn’t accessible. Or sparkplugs (FU Ford. Seriously, had a Ford Aerostar with the 2.8L mustang engine and I could only find 5 sparkplugs, seems you had to loosen the motor-mounts and drop the engine in order to get #6.)

  2. Since Peter was a fisherman by trade (back when he was known as Simon), I seriously doubt he came back to the dock after being skunked and didn’t let loose with a string of expletives. Judge men not by what they say but by what is in their hearts. Trip up numerous hypocrites and breast beaters that way. Only God knows the innermost thoughts of men. Here is mine – FJB!

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