19 thoughts on “Phil’s Dilemma…

  1. If it’s something that Dollar General doesn’t sell, it’s a 45-minute drive to a bigger store.

    I’ve impressed the wife so many times repairing/improving/building something out of something most other people would have thrown out, there is no talk of getting rid of anything, just more storage space acquired.

    Last year it was a 40′ container, that”ll take a bit to get in order, this is like heaven to a displaced Yooper.

    • I fixed our home heat and air conditioning with a fan I had in the garage I was going to mount on o piece of plywood for my shop. It was Friday after 5. All parts places were closed until Monday. It was 95° outside and over 80in the house. Took me less than 45 minutes. She gleefully said I will NEVER complain about your saving stuff again

  2. How can you throw away perfectly GOOD junk? You know that whatever you get rid of, you’ll wish you hadn’t next week. And to have to BUY that crap again?
    I laugh because I just spent a couple hours doing just that. When we retired and moved (five years ago now), I didn’t have time to sort through forty years accumulation. I just chucked everything in boxes and hauled it over here. Now I have a couple storage sheds in the back yard stuffed to the rafters. I’m finally getting started sorting and paring it down.
    My wife is the same. She’ll spend a day going through a stuffed closet, and at the end she’s got a grocery sack of junk she can part with.

    • Yep, Greg. Just moved, and EVERYTHING got boxed up as much as possible. Left some good “spare parts” behind, though.

      Everything’s still in boxes, and I can’t (yet) get the cars in the garage. This too shall pass.

      • I’ve found it takes 3.5 years, a lean-to addition to the garage, an old 20′ camper and a 40′ container to get the garage ready for business if you’re a working man on new dirt.

  3. My ignorance, I reckon – but what is a ‘chuck-out’ and what is the cartoon about?

    • It is from The Jannie, a devote reader from the UK(English) He sent that to me this morning. “Chuck out” means tossing away or getting rid of it. Phil has a garage that he should have a 60′ X 60′ shop to place all of his mechanic and shop tools and lathe machine. I have personally witness this. So, from now till eternity I make fun of his over stuffed burrito of a garage shop… I hope you understand the inside joke.

      • Tut tut! Don’t you know that there is a physical law that says junk expands to fit the available space?

        A 60′ x 60′ shop would be in the same state after a week. 10 days tops.

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