Phil PSA.

Phil is feeling a bit under the weather and some stress with his treatment regiment. He may not be posting as much. He ask most sincerely to be patient and hopefully soon be his normal ornery self. I keep telling him normal is a setting on a dryer… he won’t listen.

20 thoughts on “Phil PSA.

  1. Phil, you ornery old bastard. Do what the Doc says and take a vacation. We’ll still be here.

  2. Stress? From having to deal with what sounds like a BS buch of crap before they’ll get in there with the reamers and do what needs done? Yeah, I can see that.

    My regards to Phil – don’t let the bastards get you down.

    Good on ya, CederQ, for stepping up.

  3. Dammit man! How dam many times ya gotta be tole – ya cain’t just lay about on yer arse!! Get better ya olde pharrtt! We’ll be waiting.

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA.

  4. Get well soon and take the time to heal up . We will be here patiently waiting. And Cederq has you covered, blog wise.

    Midwest Chick

    • Are you sure? I really can’t be trusted with the blog. Phil left it to me a while back and lets just say I had a mutiny on my hands…

  5. Is that what’s called a pussy shot? Take care but watch out or you’ll end up as old as me . . .

  6. Hey Phil, we all age, some of us better than others. I’m counting you in the better group. Buck up, Heal up. In the meantime, Cederq will almost pull your weight for you.

    Now that you have the helm, are we in for a bit of raunch again, Cederq?

  7. That’s what working with Cederq will do to ya Phil. Maybe you should rethink that. Take care brother.

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