5 thoughts on “Phil posted this on the other blog and not here, I remedied that.

  1. Understatements of the century that’s why they are now shitting their pants along with bidet

  2. Yeah, we’re pissed off. But so what, if no one is going to do anything. Who’s going to be the first one to start shooting MFs? Because voting isn’t going to get us out of this mess. It’s going to take blood, but no one wants to go first. So we all just sit around and threaten how pissed off we are. I guess we’re all waiting for them to actually come to our front door. THEN we might do something. Until then, we just flap our cakeholes and don’t actually DO shit. Me included. Here in Kansas, I don’t see the stupidity that we get in the big cities. Not as much, anyway. So, it’s pretty easy to just ignore the leftist bullshit. Most folks are still pretty normal around here. But it is definitely coming. And we all know it.

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